"The government should
create, issue and circulate all the currency and credit needed to
satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of
consumers..... The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only
the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government's
greatest creative opportunity. By the adoption of these principles, the
long-felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied. "The taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest, discounts and exchanges. The financing of all public enterprises, the maintenance of stable government and ordered progress, and the conduct of the Treasury will become matters of practical administration. The people can and will be furnished with a currency as safe as their own government. Money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity. Democracy will rise superior to the money power." — Abraham Lincoln, on the issuance of the Greenbacks, government issued, debt-free money which is in sharp contrast to the privately owned and controlled "Federal" Reserve. |
The Right Way to Go
“Book money [by
banks] is a good modern invention that should be retained. But instead
of it proceeding from a private pen, in the form of a debt, those
figures, which serve as money, should come from the pen of a national
organism, in the form of money destined to serve the people.” “In practice, here is how it would work: the new money would be issued by the National Credit Office as new products are made, and would be withdrawn from circulation as these products are consumed (purchased)…. Thus there would be no danger of having more money than products: there would be a constant balance between money and products, money would always keep the same value, and any inflation would be impossible. Money would not be issued according to the whims of the Government nor of the accountants, since the commission of accountants, appointed by the Government, would act only according to the facts, according to what [the people] produce and consume.”
Some things are simply unacceptable
An Unacceptable System:
The Creation of Inequality, Poverty,
North American Social Creditor Richard Eastman
The problem is not
fiat, it's usury. The solution is not gold,
First, A Look into Gold
A Further Comment on Gold
"The gold standard puts real money in
yellow chains
Unchaining Freedom The Way of God — Good to All *Because all Human Beings Are Created Equal*
is Social Credit?
Ron Paul's System of Money Creation through Gold-Backed Loans
Everybody knows that
people go to work so they can get money to buy things. The things
people buy are paid for with money people earn by making the things
people buy. And that would be all there is to say about it if it
weren't for a big problem that keeps happening.
Sometimes the good
things people make on their jobs simply don't sell even though everybody
knows people want those things and need those things. When this happens
and selling stops the people who make things have to stop making
them. Companies don't get any money when they don't sell what has been
made and so they don't have enough money to pay all the people who work
at the company. This causes troubles for nearly everyone. How come there is not enough money for people to buy the things that they can so easily make for each other.
The troubles
start because some of the money that goes around and around from
families to companies and back to families again gets taken away so
there is not enough money being spent so everyone can keep their job and
keep on spending. The big problem is the money that is taken away so it
can't keep going around businesses and families doing good for people.
The reason the money
goes away is that it is only loaned to people, not given to them.
Families and companies have to borrow the money so they will have money
to buy and sell. The people who loan the money to companies and
families give it, but then they expect it back or else they will take
away the house or the companies for themselves. Sometimes the people
who lend the money really want to get those companies for themselves and
get the houses and start making people pay rent who live there.
If people didn't have
to borrow money to get it, then there would always be enough money to
buy things that people make when they go to work. There would be no
problem if everybody just got together and voted to print money and send
some to every family so they could spend it. Doing that is called
Social Credit. With Social Credit the money does not have to be paid
Does everybody
understand what I've said so far? Social Credit is easy to understand and it is easy to do, but the reason why we don't get our money this way and avoid all the troubles is that very rich bad bankers can steal a lot of money from everybody when money is borrowed instead of being given to people from Social Credit.
Now there is one more
thing you need to know about.
When bad bankers take
away more money than they put in they are stealing the things that that
money could have bought for families if people used Social Credit to put
in new money instead of borrowing.
The bad men don't just
lend money and then get it back and then lend it again right away to
someone else. If that was the way money worked then maybe money
wouldn't be gone away as much and there would be enough going around for
everybody to keep making things and buying things. But the bad men do
something much different. What they do is called usury.
When a man wants to
start a company and give people jobs to make things he goes to the usury
man at a bank and borrows money from him. The usury man writes on a
piece of paper that the man starting the company is to get some new
money from the bank. The company is started and people get jobs and
people have money to buy the things that are made. But then the money
has to be paid back. For every dollar that the man starting the company
borrowed, a year later he has to give back to the usury man a dollar
plus a dime a nickel and some pennies; and sometimes he has to pay
back with each dollar a whole quarter.
That extra money that
has to be paid back for each dollar that the man owning the company
borrowed is called interest. It is called interest because the
extra dime and nickel and penny paid back with the dollar is what makes
the usury man interested in lending to the man with the company in the
first place.
So all the time people
are borrowing new money that comes in but paying back the same amount of
money plus more. Money is always being lost by families and companies
to the bankers.
And this is what causes
troubles. Because all the time the bankers have all that interest they
get and families and companies are short that much for buying what is
produced and keeping companies busy with everybody working. People
lose their jobs. Companies go out of business. And the bankers don't
want to lend money to companies because the companies don't have enough
But bankers are in the
business of lending money, and if people can't borrow money because the
banker knows the people will never be able to earn enough to pay back
each dollar with an extra dime, nickel and penny because the banker has
taken out all of the money that was going around -- the banker will
look elsewhere for people to lend money to. He will lend money to other
countries. Or he will pay bad people to get countries angry with each
other so they will start a war so that people will have to borrow money
to buy guns and airplanes and ships and bombs to win the war. Then the
banker can lend all of the money he took away as interest and the
companies can hire people again to make the guns and bombs. The bankers
will even cause other kinds of disasters if they can so they can lend
their money to rebuild after the disaster. These are the kinds of
troubles that happen when people get their money from borrowing it from
banks rather than just agreeing that money will be printed up for free
and given to each man, woman and child to spend without having to pay it
back at all. After thinking about usury and Social Credit I really hope that people will find a way to have Social Credit without usury. If people have Social Credit then companies would make enough money that they could keep everyone hired and make new things and different kinds of things and better things and everyone would have the money to buy the ones they like.
Are there any
Q: How come people
don't fix the problem by having Social Credit and not having money
that's all borrowed and all that sort of nonsense.
A: That's exactly what
I wondered. So I looked up the word "economics" in the school
encyclopedia and read what it says about what causes companies to go out
of business and people to lose jobs. It didn't say anything about the
real reason of people having to pay interest without extra money being
added so they could pay it. Instead there were two famous men who were
paid by the bankers to give people different reasons why people lost
their jobs and and couldn't buy things.
One man named John and
another named Paul said that when companies couldn't sell that the
government should spend money so companies give new jobs to people who
lost their jobs. But this answer was wrong because the government had
to borrow money before it could spend it, and the leak of interest later
on would more than undo the spending that the government does now. And
besides, the government spending what they want is not the same as the
people having the money to spend it on what they want.
Another man with
another wrong answer was named Milton. Milton said that the banks that
make money should look at prices and if prices go up they should lend
less money and if prices go down they should lend more money. Well, of
course that sounds good, but of course it doesn't fix the problem of
interest draining away the money people have to spend on the goods they
make. Even when prices don't change, the bankers are slowly ending up
taking out more dollars than they have put in. Milton didn't understand
that it makes a difference if there are ten dog food companies making
puppy biscuits with everybody working and selling the puppy biscuits for
fifty cents a box and having only two dog food companies in business and
people without jobs with the price of puppy biscuits still fifty cents
for a box. Another thing that Milton said was that while the people
were incapable of deciding how much money their should be, that the
bankers could be trusted to just lend enough money so that prices
wouldn't change. Milton didn't seem to know that bankers would want
price to go down and the amount of money to go down most of the time --
because everyone owes them money and if prices go down then the money
they are going to get from people paying interest will buy more for the
bankers and the people will have to work harder and longer to get each
dollar, dime, nickle and penny. They also like to have the amount of
money going around to become less and less because then more people will
have to come to the bankers to borrow more and pay back a dollar and a
quarter for each dollar borrowed instead of just a dollar, a dime and a
John and Paul and
Milton would not tell people that using money that is borrowed rather
than money that is just made and given to people is what causes
everybody's troubles. It doesn't matter if puppy biscuits are one cent
a box or if they are a million dollars a box as long as people receive
enough money to buy everything they can make and want to own.
To conclude this report
I simply wish to say that I think Social Credit is the best way for
companies and families to get the money they use and that usury is a
very bad way that only does good for a few very bad people. Teacher: Thank you, Betty. That was very nicely done. However, before you take your seat, I have a question that I would like you to try answering. Some people say that if our money were gold instead of paper or checking account money created by bank loans that prices would not go up and everything would be fine. In light of what you have learned about Social Credit, do you think that could be true?
Betty: I don't see how
it could be true, Miss Shirley. To get gold one has to pay the cost
of getting it out of the ground. And when people hide it
away it doesn't get spent. With Social Credit the money just comes to
every house without people having to do anything. With gold you would
have to either get it out of the ground or borrow or buy it from the
rich people who own it all, and they would want interest. To pay their
debts people would not only have a harder time because money had gone
away in paying interest, but because gold is so hard to get hold of to
put in people's hands in the first place. The gold money would never be
enough and so the bad bankers would prosper at the expense of everybody
else even more with gold than without it.
Teacher: Very good.
You may take you seat. Now class, it is time to put away your reading
notebooks and bring out your geography textbooks.
Richard EastmanNote: Economists mentioned were John (Keynes), Paul (Samuelson), and
Milton (Friedman) With Social Credit the money first enters the economy as a check to each household, not as a New York bankers loan to a giant corporation. The following diagram presents a version of Social Credit that I propose to impose right away. It would come with repudiation of debt -- or freezing debt paying and then repudiating it later. And instantly providing treasury money to substitute for the purchasing power which High Finance would immediately attempt to dry up and otherwise sabotage. Call it simply the American populists' social credit plan.
or System #2:
System #2: The government has debt-free treasury money that it creates
without borrowing from international bankers. They give an amount of
money to every American -- not a redistribution of funds, but the
government giving households the chance to spend the new money into
existence -- so that household demand will guide the market economy.
The entire economy will shift away from catering war and disasters --
and from making war and making disasters -- as people receive these
checks and treat them like they would a tax return or a dividend payment
or a pension check. People will still work for a living -- the social
credit does not replace work, or entrepreneurship, or the market system,
or earning a living -- what it replaces is the way new money enters the
economic loop. Let housewives again decide what this country will
make. And under this system the domestic economy will get the stimulus,
because American families do not spend their money on war. Social
credit is the death knell for both finance capitalism and socialism and
the welfare state. There can be no free market system with consumer
sovereignty without social credit. Their can only be poverty and war
without Social Credit.
The private credit monopoly is a criminal conspiracy with traitors in government and the courts. Repudiation is the only course, along with compensation for damages and redistribution of their ill-gotten wealth. Remember, that fraud vitiates all contracts -- and executive orders, legislation and decisions from the Supreme Court are null and void if made by a conspiracy intending sabotage. It would be best if all nations and individuals repudiated debt at the same time and with replacement credit systems ready. Treasury money and social credit are the innovations that will make that possible.
Under the Social Credit system we get
rid reliance on the bankers loans based on fractional reserves and with
spendable deposits increased or decreased by the Fed's buying and
selling of securities to the big investment banks, which work their way
to the little banks slowly and imperfectly -- the money often going to
invest in construction in China or other low-wage land ow-environment-user-cost
countries -- THAT SYSTEM IS ELIMINATED. Instead, new money arrives
each month at each household (not to firms) -- this money takes the
place of loan money. It is debt free and it does not have to be paid
back. (No, it is not impossible. It is no less impossible that the
fact that we can finance two wars when were are already busted and sunk
to the center of the earth in a debt hole that neither householder nor
government can climb out of. -- Now let me tell you the secret: We
are killing Iraqis in payment to our Jewish creditors and we are killing
Afghanis and soon Pakistanis in payment to our Chinese creditors. And we
will soon be killing each other for both of them. -- ) As I was
saying, the social credit dividend goes to each household and the
housewife etc. then takes the money to the stores and buys what she
thinks best for her family. Father still goes to work, and mother too
if she prefers that to domestic production of home culture and her own
children's social and cultural development etc -- the householder still
has a job -- but more leisure because he does not have to pay the
Rothschilds -- all debt incurred under the old criminal system has been
repudiated -- and so people need only work a fraction of what they
worked before.
"Mark S
Bilk" & "Richard Eastman"
Mark S. Bilk: Betty did a good job.
[see "Betty's
Book Report on Social Credit,"
But I have a question: Does everyone get the same amount of
social credit money from the government?
Richard P.
Yes. Mark S. Bilk: Seems to me the amount should be inversely based on income or wealth. No point in giving millionaires extra money -- they already have enough to buy things and keep the economy going. It's the poor and middle-class people who don't, so they should get it. That way you don't give out more than is necessary and risk inflation. Right?
Richard P. Eastman:
Social Credit is not a redistribution instrument. It is not a tool of
social policy. The poor and the rich get about the same amount of
oxygen to breathe and they get the same
of Social Credit. If it were otherwise than immediately Social
Credit would become an instrument for criminal misallocation, for
political argument of how "progressive redistribution" formulas were
arrived at. Politicians would run for office either as Robin Hood or as
George Bush. Political corruption, and in fact political parties of all
kinds, are based on capturing the instruments of redistribution.
Richard P. Eastman:
Receiving a Social Credit dividend check is not dependent on working, or
being needy. Or anything else. If people want to live off that money
they can do so. But without exploitation at the job, with lots of
interesting employers all making profit and able to hire people that fit
their very varied needs -- working is more attractive and easier to
obtain. Most people want to so something and be proud of it. Others --
artists, or maybe people like you and me -- will forego larger incomes
in order to serve others for free -- the self-sacrificing
do-gooder. Everyone wants to work under the right conditions. Those
who don't probably shouldn't. If they don't they shouldn't be a drain
on family members who do work. We have great modern technology --
Social Credit is modernist -- and plenty of resources (despite the lies
of monopolists who seek to hide the reasons behind planned dearth for
higher prices of their monopoly/oligopoly corporations. I think we
need men who don't work -- people who develop themselves in highly
individualistic ways. But for the reasons given, I do not think people
will want to forego work -- and one more reason: Without having to pay
personal debt, and national debt and with such abundance from business
with plenty of demand and no interest payments (i.e. not hobbled by the
"B" in the "A" plus "B" theorem of cost of production plus interest
payment equaling cost of product -- Social Credit eliminates "B"
(interest payment component and related components or it compensates
them with Social Credit making up for the drain of "B") with the
ultimate result that people don't have to work as long to produce the
same amount of product (think of it as less overhead translating into
higher wages and lower prices, i.e., higher "real" wages, or
purchasing. If going to work means only four or five hours a day --
people will not find work adversive. Almost everyone not overworked
enjoys the first one, two or three hours of work. The fourth hour is
tolerable, but work becomes aversive if you are tied to in for longer
periods. Of course the work that is more interesting -- the
professions etc. are especially rewarding for in visible accomplishment
and social status -- individual achievement or love of the craft - or
dedication to the service -- that many will work long hours and like
it. They are free to give their time to work or not -- they are no
longer debt slaves forced to work for Rothschild, Rockefeller and their
debt collector the IRS. Everyone likes work of their own choosing on
their own terms. No one likes to hang out in the street when they can
really be doing something they feel good about. Also people are
competitive -- men will still pride themselves on what they can do,
what they can earn, what they can give their families -- that almost
defines the middle class ethic. Under Social Credit we will all tend
towards that ethic. And that is good -- whatever anarchists or
communists or libertarians or conservatives or progressives may urge to
the contrary. The Rothschild's substitute for the "real thing" has
led us to where we are today.
Richard P. Eastman:
"Full Employment" is a bogus goal. The error gained prominence from
Keynes who viewed the old excuse for depressions as "over production" --
but we know that there is no such thing -- in the Depression of the
1930's milk was thrown out and crops burned because there was
insufficient demand due to insufficient purchasing power in the hands of
the people. Keynes put his name to the General Theory because he sold
out -- making millions in 1930 -- to the schemers behind the
depression. Montegu Norman and Bernard Baruch among them. Keynes book
was written by a circle of agents of the City of London. At any rate,
Keynes theory was that when factories were idled because of
"overproduction" or "underconsumption" the solution was not Social
Credit -- Keynes was bought to be the figurehead of "the new economics"
that was simply change the packaging of the old system and sell that to
the country, pushing the Social Credit reformers aside.
Keynes had a good reputation because of
his book The Economic Consequences of the Peace -- which described the
mistakes of the Versailles treaty in demanding impossible reparations
for Germany when Germany was not the country that kept the war going and
when Germany was the country that first agreed to quit the war and
accept Wilson's Fourteen Points -- which they never got. Keynes was
right and got the international respect he deserved for being right.
Keynes also was right when he wrote a shorter piece in 1925 called "The
Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill" in which he foresaw the
consequences of Winston Churchill, then the Chancellor of the
Exchequer who did a Ron Paul and put Britain on the Gold Standard at
pre-war gold-content of the British pound -- this in order that the
British ruling and financial elite -- who loaned money in the war effort
would now enjoy the windfall that goes to creditors when debts incurred
earlier as paper must now be paid in gold at a gold per dollar price (in
this case the pound) that represents an incredible amount of purchasing
power that must be earned with an incredibly larger amount of labor for
the debtor to meet his debt obligations -- of meeting the government's
war-debt obligations through the paying of higher taxes through
revaluation upward due to the arbitrary setting of the currency's gold
content so high.
Richard P. Eastman:
Yes, the Dilbert comic strips are not far from the truth of corporation
world. A corporation is nothing but a small communist state -- they are
run internally like the Soviet Union while outside they thrive because
of monopoly power and other government bestowed anti-competitive
privileges. Single proprietorships like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison,
Henry Kaiser, Walt Disney, and perhaps Bill Gates always outperform a
corporation apart from any exclusive patents they may have purchases.
Most of the government is inefficient. For every person caring for the
retarded for example, eighty percent of paychecks go to administrative
and consultant personnel who never work directly with the residents.
Richard P. Eastman: Banks
would charge interest on loans, but the loans would not be the source of
our money supply. Banks for business and home building investments
would have 100 percent backing -- they would actually pay savers to
actually lend to the banks -- say at 3% on the same terms that the
banks, after bundling up the savings deposits to make big loans, would
offer, say 6% to entrepreneur borrowers. These banks would thus not
control the money supply in any way. It costs them to keep depositors'
money in the vaults, since they are paying 3% for them to have the
deposit, and so they will lend the money as quickly as possible to the
entrepreneur with the most promise of being successful, paying the loan
back and then coming to make a bigger loan. etc. Notice that banks
become only savings banks. The checking account function, and
clearing checks, could be done through the Social Credit Agency as a
public service -- people would use their Social Credit Card for
everything -- the Social Credit dividend simply being added to
everyone’s account at the specified time etc. Remember, no more
fractional reserve banking -- no more creation of money out of thin air
because of the fractional reserve system. Banks will simply be
borrowers from the many at low interest in order to be lenders to the
few entrepreneurs who have worthy ideas that require a lot of capital
for start up. Muslim banking principles would also be allowed under
Social Credit -- where the bank becomes a partner in the profits and the
depositors get, not interest, but a yet smaller share of the profit --
profit sharing on top of principal instead of interest on top of
Profit sharing with the banks will last
as long as the loan is paid off. Lots of
room for creative finance this side of usury.
Richard P. Eastman:
On the second Tuesday of each month, before live television, the
comptroller of the National Social Credit Service and the official
Dispenser of the Dividend will go to a small round domed marble building
with a single room under the dome and space for cameramen and
witnesses. Directly under the dome will be granite block with a
numerical keyboard and no letter keys and a windows to type in the date
of entry, 9-21-2010, the day the dividend will be deposited and the
dividend amount each person will receive, say $200; and then both the
Comptroller and the Dispenser of the Dividend will insert their
individual keys which when both turned will activate the "enter" key
which will be the entry, authorization and instruction for the
distribution of that amount to each person's Social Credit Card to be
created -- out of thin-air and without having to be paid back -- to be
received at 12:01 am on the first of the month, Friday October 1. The
granite "credit stone" will automatically reset to receive the next
entry on third Tuesday in October for the amount specified. Then they
lock up the Chamber of Social Credit until the next month.
But what about verifiability? Well,
since everybody in the country gets the same amount, it is no invasion
of privacy to provide that every citizen's name and city shall be listed
on a Social Credit Website showing exactly the amount that the single
specified amount was indeed created in that persons account. (It is an
error to say the money was "transferred" to people’s accounts. It is
created in those accounts by the Social Credit Agency -- but the Social
Credit agency is not debiting its own accounts. The Social Credit
agency has no accounts, no deposits, no money. It merely says "let
there be money in each persons account" and it is done. Now everyone
will know what the social credit dividend is each month and each can
check the amount against what was created for them -- and so can
everybody else check to see that everyone else got the same thing. If
people do not consent to have their names on the citizen roster to
receive the created dividend then it it will simply be electronically
impossible for them to receive their dividend. But the ultimate
fail-safe is this: the program will be hard wired in such a way that
everyone receives their created dividend together -- that there is no
way for the system to look up an individual and change his dividend
amount from what everybody else gets. Public inspections of the software, with public access video of the entire process. The system will be too simple to hack.
Another fail safe could be that social
credit money must all be either spent or converted to paper cash by the
next month. That way no Social Credit Card will ever have more on it
than the specified amount for the current month. Grocery stores, could
simply give cash back for unspent social credit in a given month.
I think such a system would be much less
prone to tampering, embezzlement and fraud than the system we have now
or any other system I have ever heard of.
Third Tuesday of Every Month - Social Credit Dividends Created finis
It is real unborrowed legal tender
money that households receive to spend as they choose and never have to
pay back.
From where? Who pays for it? From
"thin air" and from the fact that good money managed nationally in this
way creates an economic pie as no other system. It is money from the
same "magic hat" that the Rothschilds have monopolized and from which
they have from "thin air" made their loans in usury. Money from the
same store of assets and potential that the Rothschilds got all their
wealth from when they monopolize credit and lend to us for their own
interest-harvesting, as they farm the fruits of our labors at our very
great expense.
(Webmaster's note:
The Rothschilds' Assets Total $500 Trillion Dollars. Think about
it. This is obscene. The Rothschilds must also make and
create wars to finance the debt created by their usurious system.
Social credit, a non-usurious system is what we should fight and die for
to bring in real freedom, peace and prosperity not only for the nation,
but for the whole Human Race -- and NOT for these Financial
Gluttons and their artificially created and generated wars based on pure
lies, deception and propaganda. Wars in other people's lands are
simply to maintain their system of usury.) =========== Government administered basic-right dividend checks to everyone providing interest free 'money' backed by the willing acceptance of the entire nation in acknowledgement of the great benefit the system provides at so little cost to the nation. The power of money at the service of all from out of thin air and right to your own home.
Monopoly Under
Rothefeller Rules
One player gets to be banker. The banker is chosen by himself. Anyone who does not accept him as banker is not allowed to play the game.
the begining the banker has all the money -- his money and the bank's
money are mixed together and there
order for other players to enter the game they must borrow purchasing
power from the banker All players entering the game must pay the banker interest on the money they are using every time they pass "Go." The banker may buy houses and hotels with the money of the bank. If other players should be lucky enough to own a house or two but then fall behind in his payments to the banker his property can be auctioned off and the banker who can outbid anyone because he has use of the bank til ends up owning all properties and buildings.
Under Rothefeller rules the banker gets to mix his money and the bank's money. Now this system is like the one you have now here on your planet, Earth.
First, as a system where the ruling elite, that is the financial elite, have separated the money circulation of the common people from the money of the elites. They have the real purchasing power – and they have it in plentiful quantities – and we are the inmates of the asylum on a token economy, the Debtor's Prison for the Dumbed Down kept on short rations. But what about China and us buying from the Chinese? The fact is that at the low labor costs that the International Money Power pays to make the goods we import, we should be paying much less than we have been. Deflation and monopoly pricing have kept the retail prices only marginally less expensive to us than where the good made in the US – even though the labor price difference is (was) tremendous. But why? Because the international money power wants to use its dollars to build Chinese factories paying little, but they do not want us buying Chinese products at equivalent discounts. The upper loop buys Chinese at low Chinese prices. The lower loop buys Chinese at high almost-American prices – prices just enough lower than American prices to drive American firms out of business, but no lower! Second, we should view the economy as a two loop system in which the master players who use the top loop, will arrange booms and busts for the lower loop. Why? Because of the A+B problem – the chronic tendency to insufficent purchasing power to sustain domestic industry due to the flow of investment loans and housing loans to households and businesses being less than the flow of investment loan principal and compound interest on those loans being paid back – is a problem that justifies to the people the instigation of an inflationary boom to "end the recession/depression" – during which time interest rates climb – if for no other reason than that an "inflation premium" is being added on by lenders – but also because, since it is a boom, those high rates are what the traffic will bear. But guess what? There is another reason why interest rates are high in the inflationary boom – or should I say – why the high interest rates and inflation always recur together. On top of inflation premium and high investment demand in a boom economy, there is also the reason that the Money Power lenders know that the end of the boom will be another depression with deflation – usually imposed Rothbard-Volker deflation to "fix" the inflation problem – and that means that the inflation premium they charged to lenders now becomes a giant windfall to the creditors. Oh, wow! We have just explained why booms and busts won't go away until usury is done away with. Let me restate it so you are sure to get it: Lenders not only offer loanable funds at high interest rates because they require an inflation premium, they also lend because they expect a subsequent windfall when the deflationary "correction" is arranged. How does the deflationary correction occur? Simply by turning off the credit -- or even faster – calling in loans – as the Great Depression (the first one) was begun when Wall Street initiated the margin calls on the three black days – which works with a money-multiplier effect to contract currency in circulation and create the dearth of sales that soon leads to firing of workers and the shutting down and bankruptcy of firms etc. They bring it on deliberately. "They" being the credit monopoly. ===================== If in a depression a
reduction in taxes is deemed beneficial then why should there be any
objection at all to social credit. What is the difference between tax
going down from $5000 to $4500 and tax doing down from $500 to -$500
(i.e. a negative tax were the householder gets money instead of paying
for it.
In all future elections vote only only for candidates who sign a pledge to: 1) break relations with Zionistan (2) repudiate Rothschild debt (3) switch to a debt-free fiat Treasury Dollar (4) monetize the domestic economy with Social Credit dividend checks to all households rather than throwing our money away on the irrational and criminal measures of: a) multi-trillion-dollar tribute to Rothschild/Rockefeller to "stimulate" / reinforce their ambitions of self-deification within the galaxy (or whatever); b) debt-based bubbles to a housing market where no one can afford houses -- like throwing a ball with a big rubber band on it, the interest on the debt will always snap you back to depression: c) open market purchases of securities that flood the international loanable funds markets with money that will never be invested in US productivity (i.e. easy money for the rich that never trickles down to the loop where the non-elite people earn and spend and look for jobs. Forget the mumbo-jumbo superstition of the High-Priests of Finance which says that government can't print up its own money but must have Rothschild (whose interests own the Fed) print it up and charge interest for each dollar created -- and then charge the interest again when the money is deposited and serves as bank reserves. Good inflation is not only good -- it is essential to our recovery and survival. Giving Rothschild the levers to inflate and deflate where and when they want is like (or just plain is) putting yourselves at the mercy of a gang of sociopathic killers. Inflation is the only good way for governments to intelligently create the purchasing power the people need to produce goods for each others use. Remember -- the car won't go right unless there is air in the tires -- and it is better to inflate with free air rather than with air you have to pay for at compound interest. And no way should Rothschild/Rockefeller be the ones to decide who gets and spends the new money first. Everyone should get a per capital share of the new money that enters the circular flow -- money in the form of social credit dividend checks to households. And so far no libertarian, monetarist, Keynesian or neo-classical economist or any other economist has dared come against that fact. They can't. If they debate it they lose. And they know it.he ontem that gets both big Government and big Usury out of the people's market economy.
Who would invest in a nation where it is no so clear that even money
loaned at zero nominal interest rate will be prohibitively high because
of the very high deflation premium that must be paid back -- because
entrepreneurs see that Americans will buy less, not more in the future,
despite the "stimulus bailout" given to the banks with no obligation
placed on them of what they must do with the money. (What they are
doing is hoarding dollars, even selling their gold to obtain them,
because the dollar is their currency, not ours. They are buying dollars
at the bottom, knowing that once they own all of the asset in America
and the middle class have been killed off, or else dumbed down and
pushed to slum rental housing and near subsistence wages -- and futures
for their children that are hard brutal and short. The dollar will
remain their currency to the end -- its connection with the United
States completely broken.
And so we have a housing market where the only people in a position to
buy are the elite of the financial sector -- who certainly don't by
these houses for themselves to live in -- or the foreign investor --
both looking for rental properties with good former-middle class tenants
who still remember how to mow lawns. The government buys the houses
that can't be sold because of insufficient demand and sits on them.
That keeps supply low enough to keep prices higher. Houses don't fall
in price to fit people's new lower incomes, and property taxes don't go
down, and debt still outstanding does not adjust downward to the new
deflationary depression prices they should be at -- all because of the
monopoly power of big finance. Libertarians are dead wrong.
Government does not make these messes -- the bankers do. If the
Libertarian eliminates the state --i.e. representative government, they
are merely turning themselves over to banker rule with privatized
mercenary debt collectors to replace the old tax collector. Yet the
people to not see the massive crime of the financial sector manipulating
to keep highly priced the assets acquired in foreclosure -- foreclosure
because of severe deflation (severe starvation for purchasing power in
the domestic production and household loop of the economy.) I am saying
that houses should be selling for $12,000 not $120,000; for $90,000, not
$300,000 but that government buying and withholding the "toxic" houses
to keep prices high is the problem. And of course in the face of the
purchasing power crunch local property taxes have increased not
decreased. All of this prevents the prices, wages, incomes, output,
purchasing power etc. from adjusting to allow the economy to recover
with proper balance of all of it's components.
have not heard one person comment favorably on my suggestion that debt
burden should be adjusted to an index to full-time wage earner
purchasing power -- or even average working day wage earnings. To
avoid giving the Financial Sector windfall
real-value-of-interest-payments-received profits from deflation -- by
adjusting the burden to deflation. Remember this -- when Bernanke super
inflates but the helium all misses the balloon -- don't expect any
lift. What you can expect is that the Money Power will end up owning
the balloon that you can't fly and you will end up paying for $20
trillion of helium released into the atmosphere to affect that
transaction. And right now the plan is to do it all over again. Why
not. So far it has never failed as a super efficient means to greater
wealth for the better banks and the better corporations owned by the
better people -- for the winners in this rigged game of strip-you-down
Some people would
like to fade in pure fiat money and phase out debt-based currency over
thirty years. In my view we need 100 percent fiat right now because
we must have immediately one hundred percent repudiation of national
indebtedness to the criminal money power. Repudiation is impossible if
you plan to fade out of debt-based money. Debt money has to be killed
in one day and the replacement organ be ready to transplant and take
over that same day. Anyone who wants to do this slowly is a charlatan
who has no intention of killing the monster.
Other people want
"flexible credit" -- that the credit system should expand and
contract whenever people need it. This cannot be done without getting
back to credit manipulation to rig markets for financiers against
households and firms. In some things rigid (like 100 percent annual
balance of trade and 100 percent deposit backing of loans) is better.
The money in the system should be set by the Social Credit authority.
They will provide the social credit dividend to households -- to each
person -- so that the household will be where EVERY dollar gets its
start. They will not control the amount of money in circulation, which
will depend on people saving and upon the velocity of money (which
depends on things like how often people are paid). The National Social
Credit Office will provide the dividend checks and will set their amount
according to new measures of household purchasing power. So what about
the entrepreneur who wants to build some new innovation on a large
scale. Credit will not expand to please him. Instead, along with
social credit there will still be state banks who lend money to
businesses. But the money they lend will be 100 percent people's
savings. There will be no fractional reserve banking. When people put
their savings in a bank there will be stiff penalties for withdrawal
before the allotted time period. Those penalties and durations may be
set by state regulators. If a bank has overextended its loans and
people choose to withdraw their savings -- then let that bank borrow
from other banks who have savings to lend. The bank that suffered the
unexpected savings withdrawals will lose and the other bank that loaned
to it will gain -- but the net of the entire banking system will be
The idea that banks can issue fiat on their own "just as we do now" is
totally unworkable and would give us once again a financial elite with
extraordinary power over the household and business sectors.
What will save America
-- is keeping our dollars here and in circulation and getting more of
them in the hands of the American household sector and business sector
and out of the hands of the financial sector.
There is no honest
economist who also knows what is going on to ask. If you want to verify
what I say you are going to have to do the the thinking yourself --
that, after all, is the law of the jungle for humans. Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
"Now we see why the Fed is pouring out new money -- called inflation --
when really it is a transfusion from the domestic loop to the
international corporations so they can better vanquish the domestic
economy and capture all land resources and industry and assets
(including privatized public wealth). The Fed is buying government
securities and giving the dollars to the international corporations and
to China (the PLA being partners with every international corporation in
"The Fed buys Corporation and Chinese held securities giving them
dollars which they do not spend here. The securities have value because
they pay interest. Whatever their market value when you buy them you
get a stream of interest payments. That stream of interest payments is
paid for by you and me the taxpayers. The fact that the Fed is buying
up securities and putting out up-front dollars from them shows that the
International Financial Elites are expecting the US to go down -- the
securities to be worthless -- but that actually the dollars will keep
their value because the US still has land and resources and your labor
it can buy (or control through debt slavery) -- the Fed is a separate
entity, not part of the US which will default on its securities. So the
securities will no longer be held by Financiers -- just by pension
plans and little people through their mutual funds etc. -- so they will
be the ones stuck from the default. Because in the default it is the
securities that go -- not the private central bank money. That is why
they want those dollars -- dollars will be safe -- dollars are what
will be traded in for the new gold-backed currency they have in the
works. You will take the gold you have bought -- have it minted into
coin and then use it to pay your debts which will still be there after
the US is gone.
"Or perhaps you don't like where they are taking you and would rather
have social credit?
"Remember this too: The prices we pay for objects include 40 percent of
interest payments. Those are prices going to the financial sector which
is not recirculating them back into the economy -- those dollars paid
in the price of goods that do not go to the producing firm but go to
finance are dollars that will not be calling forth more production.
More than three quarters of our tax money goes to fund both interest
payments on the national debt and the military that maintains a world
empire and, currently two major wars/occupations. The wars themselves
are a form of "export" (exporting destruction) that is make-work for US
"Now if we have social credit households -- making strong household
sector demand -- then entrepreneurs, engineers, managers and skilled
workers will be called forth to create more household goods, more labor
saving innovation, more beauty and knowledge now that the slavery of
serving the creditors is ended.
"Only recently has it all come together -- exactly what is wrong and
exactly what the solution MUST be -- to end the basic problem that has
plagued the world since the creation of the Bank of England.
"Anyway -- now you know -- if instead of skimming a hundred posts
today you were to print out this one and really study what I have given
you -- write it out in your own words -- then you will have equipped
yourself to provide others with the medicine that can save us."
"For details: "Learn about the hidden cost of interest here:
"Learn about why social credit is the only cure -- the nation's only
defense in this foreign attack that involves the infiltration and
destruction of our economy through the weaknesses of our system stemming
from the usury component of our monetary system in the control of
hostile international bankers who control our financial sector, and all
three branches of the Federal Government."
"Mark S
Bilk" & "Richard Eastman"
I had a few questions regarding social credit.
Richard: My
guess is yes -- "if you reformed the system enough." But I have no clue
how that could be done. The system in need of reforming has injections
going to investment and leaks in the form of investment going to a
financial sector with no particular incentive to cultivate economic
development evenly and no commitment to the "utility function" of the
household. If you have a plan I would like to see it.
Richard: Not
to be cheeky, but I agree with Clifford Hugh Douglas that the goal is
greater unemployment not less. People work far too much because of
usury and monopoly. Women were not liberated when they were forced into
the work force, leaving their children and the development of the
household sector where children are raised and the science of refined
consumption cultivated. I agree with Douglas that full employment
is entirely the wrong goal. Technology exists so mankind can work
less. We do not work in order that we may work. Man spontaneously
wants to serve others, wants to improve things. But we like to give it
as a gift out of our own leisure time. Social Credit provides
purchasing power for the household so that household demand will be
sufficient to make invention and entrepreneurship and art and
craftsmanship and efficiency profitable -- so that all of the creative
ideas of the common man -- the man from whom all innovations come --
will be unleashed. All men want to be deemed good in the eyes of other
men. I oppose the Marxist doctrine of "from each according to his
means" -- because it will always be the state who decides what those
means are (as social security retirement age creeps from 62 to 67
etc.) And I oppose "to each according to his need" - because then again
the state determines need -- and everyone will be envious if
someone's child gets braces or another child gets a trumpet. Let each
get a Social Credit dividend check and then delve into the market place
and make good, because under Social Credit, Horatio Alger Rags to Riches
will again be a reality -- deflation and monopoly will be no more."
Social Credit as an idea to discuss is constitutional. I don't think
the Supreme Court would not allow Social Credit or the Debt
Repudiation that I have in mind. However Congress and the States have
the power to amend the constitution. It is constitutional to make
Social Credit constitutional -- and that is what I would like to
see smoothly done.
Richard: You
are asking the questions of the science that will replace
macroeconomics. Many people have their paychecks every two weeks. Stock
dividend are paid once a quarter. If no advantages are found for one
over the other relating to velocity of circulation or something, I would
just as soon see the checks every every month, to help families now
living hand-to-mouth meet their mortgage payments and buy winter coats
for their children etc.
The social credit automatic deposit will be like any check from a bank
or the US Treasury. Perhaps one will be issued a social credit card
which can be used in stores but also can be taken to a bank to transfer
to an interest earning savings account or even cashed for money to stuff
in a mattress. I would hope the Social Credit system would not allow
corporations to arrange for automatic withdrawals from
SCD accounts.
Richard: You are a very generous man -- considering that the productive
capacity to satisfy all that demand has not yet been called forth.
There is such a thing as overwatering a garden. Consider that whatever
money is circulated through Social Credit Dividends will be spent and
re-spent with a multiplier effect. The Social Credit dividend is not
supposed to carry the family, but to stimulate household demand so that
"good times" in terms of jobs, paying down debt, rising standard of
living, more successful enterprises and loss only if an entrepreneur has
failed to provide the housewife with as good a mousetrap as his
competitor. The question is ultimately an experimental one. The kind
of reasoning you engage in above is essential, and we must remember that
with repudiation of the national debt and much securitized mortgage debt
the nation is going to need a sizable injection of social credit to move
the wheels of industry. The price takes some thought, but on the other
hand even "flying by the seat of our pants" and plucking a number out of
the air, say between $75 and $150 per person per month for starters
would be a reasonable first trial committed for a definite length of
time so it will be treated as income and not as a windfall. It may take
as much as a year or two to get a handle on what the injection is doing
-- we will certainly never be able to measure the good that it does,
because each household has its own plan for their own family.
If every citizen receives a dividend deposit of $208.33 that would
amount to 10,000 in a year for a family of four. If each receives
$104.67 the family would have $5,000 more for spending, saving or paying
off commercial credit (stores will still have their own credit cards) or
their mortgages or business loans -- post repudiation of course, and
under the new one hundred percent reserve requirement banking system.)
That's not far from what the banks take in NSF checks fines in
a year.
Richard: Fiat electronic, fiat paper, silver certificate, gold
certificate or gold coin -- the purchasing power of a currency can only
be arrived at by statistical sampling, in the way pioneered by Irving
Fisher, by having teams of test shoppers each buy a standardized
"shopping basket" of items (food, clothing, rent, education, medical
care, insurance etc.) but also the wage, house work, leisure and seeing
how it changes over time. There will be inflation -- or deflation if
after cutting off usury they system does not replace sufficient
purchasing power. But the important thing is that inflation will not be
anywhere near the terrible thing it is today, because the new purchasing
power will be coming directly to households and directly to employers --
and not to some investment project for which there may or may not be a
market as we used to do it until investment dried up completely.
dollar is not pegged to anything, except what each household recipient
chooses to buy with it. The value of the dollar is what it buys -- and
that is a subjective value of the consumer himself. The econometrician
will simply price the price of a typical bundle of goods a household
might buy. Doctors may monitor a patients blood pressure and blood count and heart rate, but they do not have to know where all the blood is going and how much is running in every single vein to keep the human organism happy.
Remember, the invisible hand of the market system will still direct
production and move production to efficiency and service of the
consumer -- as long as the consumer has the purchasing power to call if
Richard: Money can be sustained in purchasing power simply by the
government accepting the money in payment for taxes (legal tender
status). That will make the money acceptable and that amount of value
will carry it to taking on the value of all other things that will be
offered for sale to get hold of the dollars. I have never been stumped
on this because I am familiar with the principles of Pavlov and Skinner
on how a neutral stimulus can be conditioned as a conditioned stimulus,
how, for example, a chimp or a rat or a pigeon or a man can be
established in "working for tokens" and "spending tokens." In the great
conflict between behaviorists and cognitive psychologists and between
behaviorists and economists I find that we value things because of
conditioning, not because of innate tastes or a built in appreciation of
"intrinsic value". We learn the use of things and when learn when they
are rendered worthless (like after a hyperinflation).
Richard: Yes. (There would also be commercial credit -- by a furniture
store or appliance store or car dealership.) Banks would transform
from fractional reserve banking to 100 percent banking. More savings
put in time deposit accounts would the source of new loans. The States
would regulate the banks -- each would be a laboratory. If Kansas
develops an especially effective and easy to manage system then other
states will be free to drop their system for one that has proven to be
better. Nothing is disjointed. The household receives money. The
banks can offer an interest rate if they agree to park their money for a
long enough time so that the banker can lend the money and share any
investment earnings with the borrower. It is simple. There is no good
reason to meddle with that.
Brandon: 2. Government is financed through
taxes collected from households and businesses, does this apply to both
the state and federal governments? If the federal government collects
taxes and is hence managed on that basis, how does it supply funding for
large scale infrastructure projects at 0 cost to the states? Doesn't the
federal government depend on the states for the financing from taxes to
spend on construction costs in the first place? In effect, is the
federal government simply monetizing credit to finance the building of
infrastructure separate from the tax money it typically collects to fund
the general government?
Brandon: 3. Since exports have to be balanced
wouldn't that make it impossible to get certain products or limit the
distribution of other products simply to meet an imposed government
quota? I understand you're trying to avoid the dumping of cheap exports
into our domestic economy, but I thought that was the point of the
tariff and the tax measures outlined in the constitution? Even still,
why would we want to limit the sale of imports that aren't necessarily
cheap imports, but in fact might be specialized products or staple
products of another country that we always trade for despite not really
having anything to trade with that country because they either don't
have the purchasing power to buy from us, or they have more expensive
money that encourages them to buy from us more than we sell to them?.
Brandon: In other
words, why can't everybody buy from everybody else, even in different
countries, without there having to be barriers. I think there is a clear
difference between honest and fair trade and free trade as we understand
it today, I wouldn't want to arbitrarily impose quotas on the market, if
that market was operating under and honest system, that just doesn't
seem fair, unless I've overlooked something perhaps? Richard: They can. No one restricts trade of goods and services. What is prohibited is international speculation, international finance, currency manipulation, carrying the tremendous debt of the US with easy credit for cheap foreign purchases so as to vanquish US domestic production with foreign slave labor backed with credit terms that enable the US to go deeper and deeper in red while domestic production is driven to the ropes competing with debt-financed pay-later consumption of foreign goods. But again, Social Credit is not a scheme for regulating international trade. I do point out that our usury system encourages the system where leakages of purchasing power given away to foreign countries that do not come back and spend the money here -- so that we have a drain of imports > exports that harms us in the same was as loans from the financial sector are less than the principal and interest that has to be paid back. I am saying foreign trade must be re-regulated and from the standpoint of the benefit of the domestic economy -- not just the exporter, not just the importers, not just the futures markets, commodities markets but for the good off the national economy, rather than the international speculator.
Richard: We would have to get out from under the problem that there are
more US dollars and dollar denominated deposits outside the US than in
it. Most of a nations currency should be in that nation. The people of
Ying wanting goods from the country of Yang must exchange their currency
for the currency of Yang to buy the goods. The relative cost of
currencies will depend on supply and demand. If Yang has all the good
stuff then Ying will be sending all of the currency to buy the Yang
product and the supply of their currency of the foreign exchange
market. Too much supply of the Ying currency looking for Yang currency
and not enough Yang currency looking for Ying currency -- so the Yang
currency will become expensive relative to the Ying currency -- the
price of the Yang goods in the Ying stores will go up and less will be
bought. Meanwhile, the investing in the Ying with Ying currency
captured by the Yang money will be illegal, and so the Yang will have
nothing to do but buy Ying products. That is how trade should be
balanced. The trade does not have to be kept small, but it should be
balanced. There are people who if assigned the task and with the right
incentives could design a trade policy and rules to accomplish balanced
foreign trade. The point is if the people want it and elect an
administration to get it -- the test of the administration will be to
see if it can organize the right team of economists and administrators
to obtain the desired effect.
Brandon: Ok, now that I got that out of the way, let me get a little
more intimate on this subject. It seems that if you give people just
enough money to live on where they don't really have to work, don't you
kind of create a welfare state? Not that it's a bad thing necessarily,
but given my previous projection, doesn't that rate and volume of
inflation jeopardize the purchasing power of the money and thus
eventually threaten the stability of the entire system because you have
an unsustainable rate of expansion of unlimited purchasing power built
on a never ending demand for limited resources?
Richard: We have created a welfare state under the present system.
Prisons are our a welfare state. Welfare checks are our welfare
state? Crime is a help-your-self welfare state redistribution program.
People want to work. I don't know one Mexican man who does not work or
would not accept work if he could legally have it. People want to
work. They have a hard time in a buyer's labor market. The great
crusher of all young people today -- middle and lower class is that no
one wants their services, that there is nothing worthwhile to do, that
they are going to go to school, learn a job, get a job, have the job go
under, go back to school and learn another job and keep going. This is
hell. Social Credit gives them a variety of prospective employers all
bidding for their labor if they have the right stuff. They can bid one
employer against the other because the household sector is placing
orders with their dollars and there are not enough good laborers so to
fill them. No one wants to be an idle bum and no one wants to be a
slave working until May to Pay the Government and until September to Pay
the Rockefellers and Rothschilds -- before you start earning money for
if the people don't want to work -- let the media make movies about
workers doing a good job, about innovators about great contributors to
society -- try to rebuild the man with the work ethic they have done so
much to destroy.
Brandon: How do you reconcile supplementing purchasing power with
social credit, but then having to justify banks being used to finance
the building of businesses and homes presumably because people do not
have enough purchasing power, despite social credit, which in turn
forces them to borrow in order to do what they want in the economy?
Richard: Money is the reward of production. Without it no one
produces. The problem today is that people do work long and hard --
overwork and still lose the house -- because of deflation and monopoly
pricing and outsourcing and because of the interest payment amount that
is carried over to the price of the finished product. People do not
have enough money to reward their work with the fruits of their
efforts. Social credit is added so that the workers can profit earners
can get their due -- and not come up short because the payroll and
profits were short because the bank took it all in interest. Social
credit increases sales which increases demand for labor and hence wages
and employment. With more labor output goes up. With more profit
rolled-back into new equipment work productivity goes up -- and work
productivity is the basis of raises and a higher standard of
Brandon: I understand your disdain for corporations, but why doesn't a
company have the right to issue stock to people in order drum up funds
for the business?
Partnerships are
good. Full liability is good. And only 51 % controlling interest of
stock must be owned by full liability partnership -- which requires new
laws. The other 49 percent can be common stock -- since those
investors do not make the decisions and so they are not liable. When a
corporation is taken to court, I propose, the 51 percent are on the hook
for full damages -- just as if they had poisoned a customer themselves.
Also, no US corporation will be a legal person any longer -- and they
certainly will not be allowed to make campaign contributions.
Corporations are not necessary in the computer age when people can
organized a venture with the internet. Real people can do that now,
without the giant doing it.
Brandon: What about LLC's? What if two companies wanted to do
business as some other 3rd company, but wanted to retain separate
balance sheets and liability concerns as a member of the LLC? What if a
person wanted to build a bigger business than what they could as a
proprietorship or partnership and needed a more unique and flexible
business arrangement? What if they wanted to do this without risking
their home or entire personal savings from a business failure, in which
they are only held liable for a certain reasonable amount that would
typically be borrowed in order to start the business. I mean, after all,
why else is liability an issue? It's an issue because people do not want
to owe more than they can afford for failing in the economy and having
that sort of protection, under a reasonable set of circumstances, tends
to encourage entrepreneurship rather than hindering it because of
barriers to entry and life altering risk concerns. Am I wrong? Richard: If they are that enterprising they will adjust to the constraints and streamline to 51-49 partner-stockholder arrangement. Where those who don't want full liability can own up to 49 percent of the firm. And those who want to to put their superior skill running the company without being exposed to liability, they can get the 51 percent to hire them as management rather than owner. In fact a hired manager could also be a 49 percent owner -- as long as the 51 percent who hired him and take full responsibility for his decisions trust his judgment.
did you ever think that the bigger returns coming from the more high
risk ventures -- big game hunting for the international
speculator really didn't have to be that dangerous -- for example
getting involved with staging a coup in a country to get a more
favorable deal from the new dictator -- that is not what all-domestic
US corporations are going to be doing any more. Instead, a corporation
will say to a foreign country.
But the most pertinent answer is that under social credit there will be
the household demand that has always been deficient in the US economy --
without building up a loan-call day of reckoning down the pike.
With social credit most businesses will succeed. More entrepreneurs
will succeed than are succeeding now. Fewer will be failing. And they
will fail because their product was not competitive, NOT because of a
contraction of the money supply.
Richard: With social credit Edison would have been able to go to people
who believed in him and they could have pooled their money and
bankrolled his early inventions. With the success of the Model T Ford
was in a position to start other ventures. Disney went from successful
cartoons to experimenting with amusement parks. Increased
profitability. The most beautiful and charming ventures have failed --
after getting usury financing -- because of a recession where the money
authorities have contracted the M1 money supply. That kind of
contraction will never happen again under SC because the same great flow
will flow out of each household and into the shops of every town and
city. Big cities will have concentrations of social credit
expenditure. They will see revivals of their downtown areas.
Homemaking and leisure will increase -- a good thing -- people will
have space -- freed from debt slavery -- to devote to
politics, recreation, garden clubs, new institutions of unity etc., more
parks , more public swimming pools -- the money that would have gone to
war or disaster relief or whatever else mass-murdering international
banking could devise. (If you have any doubt about who is
responsible for 9-11, then perhaps you should put this letter aside
until you have looked into it -- because that is the one fact that
makes replacing the current Usury system a moral imperative.
Brandon: Regarding my point about the unsustainable rate of expansion
of unlimited purchasing power built on a never ending demand for limited
resources, is there such a thing as a too much purchasing power? If that
is the case, then what purpose do banks really serve? The only real
reason people would borrow money is because they don't have the
purchasing power to do anything productive in the economy, but under
social credit it would seem that the average person, given my previous
budget projection, would have an extra
a year income! I don't think
anybody would need to borrow money with that kind of purchasing power,
so why the pretense of having banks around to lend money to people that
already have the purchasing power to consume, but simply need additional
income to save up to start a business?
Richard: Man
is part of the ecosystem. We speak of the economy as if it is
self-contained, but in fact it is a component within the biosphere. Men
manipulate the environment to provide for themselves. Once there were
hunters and gatherers -- eating berries and whatever else they found
growing on the forest floor and killing an occasional animal. What as
a sustainable population then. But mankind adapted. First the
discovery of seed planting increased the numbers sustainable on the
land. Next came irrigation projects. Then breeding and domestication
of animals. The wheel. Science enables us to do more with less. So far
our science has been diverted to missiles, H-bombs, shock and awe -- a
waste of human brainpower that could have been working for the Fords and
Edisons and Buckminster Fullers or the Walt Disneys and maybe Steve
Jobs -- doing more with less -- we still haven't tried living under
ground, or making cars that float two feet off the ground so we don't
need to cover all this good farm land with paved roads -- or the vast
excavations that could build water systems that would provide north
America with all of the water necessary to populate all that empty
government land in the US. It is not the middle classes who destroy
land. It is dire poverty, being so hungry and hopeless that the
environment no longer matters.
We are learning animals. When we reach a constraint with either adapt
to it or we find a way of getting around it. But no group of academics
with Rockefeller grants are going to tell us what can be sustained and
what cannot -- because the Rockefeller NGOs do not know what
adaptations free people with great means at their disposal are able to
come up with. The people who talk about sustainability or about
overpopulation -- are just looking for rationalizations for not cutting
them in on some of the wealth pie.
are the banks necessary? Because the banks pool capital
(peoples savings) so that bigger projects can be undertaken in the
private sector -- homes for young families that can't pay cash but want
a house while their children are still young. There is total freedom
to try anything as long as you can convince a lending officer at a bank
or a bunch of wealthy people on the internet to back you.
But as long as we are kept on the short leash of tight M1 in order to
"fight inflation" but in reality to keep us to a bear minimum of
capability so that we do not compete with the Elite Loop who always have
easy money from swaps with the Fed of securities and money at the
discretion of the big investment banks -- we are living in a slave
society, on slave rations and with no future.
Brandon: Perhaps initially the banks would be used, but I think
eventually they would go by the wayside as anything but a middleman
between the people and the national credit office, despite the draw of
an interest rate for depositing money, am I wrong? Just admit it, you
want to get rid of banks and institute a national credit office to issue
money in place of the banks and you want the treasury to agree to
monetize the credit issued by the national credit office as a way of
legitimizing the whole social credit operation, which in effect, cancels
any notion of lending money in the first place, am I right? ;)
Richard: The need for people to accumulate large sums for large
undertakings will ever be operating. Social Credit, being a small check
to everyone and nothing else does not and cannot fulfill or compete with
that function.
Social credit monetizes social credit. Once the money is in circulation
it is either spent or saved (in a mattress or family vault) or deposited
in a time savings account where it is pooled with other money and may be
loaned to people wanting to build production facilities or
buy machines or build houses or private transportation or robotics
repair or whatever. The household reigns supreme over the market
economy and the entrepreneur has all the people in the world and all the
resources in the world to see if he can put together a good or service
that people will buy leaving him with a profit. Under Social credit
that will be happening a lot more than it is happing now.
Brandon: Don't get me wrong, I don't really see anything wrong with
that per se, other than basing the system on a constant consumption
cycle, it's certainly better than paying thieves to loot us like they do
now, but as you can plainly see I have some questions and concerns that
I would like to try and hash out with you, if you're willing, which I
really hope you are. Think of it like an intelligence operation where
you have to teach the new young buck rookie how to handle life on the
job, or whatever scenario of your choosing that you see fit to envision.
I want to do this because I really want to come up with a better system
or at least the means to achieve a better system through some sort of
transitional system that bridges the gap between an old paradigm and a
new one.
Richard: I see no constant consumption cycle. I see the composition of
consumption changing. I see consumption really as depreciation of stock
-- that has to be replaced, perhaps with an entirely new means of
satisfying that personal utility function of the individual.
Consumption can be high -- or, if people have a rage for asceticism, it
can be low -- and saving and investment higher.
Social Credit can be "Small is Beautiful" but it does not have to be. I
think in terms of family households. Communes are always a thought in
the back of the mind of anyone who really enjoyed living in a college
dormitory -- so there may be efficiencies of scale in larger groups --
but that would take another revolution of tolerance. Nor is the system
against wealth per se. The wealthy are able to try out new living
technology that may become available to others later on. No need for
envy. But the wealthy will be the innovators, the savers, the ones who
could spot the entrepreneur and inventor to bet on. And the money would
be possible just from donations -- once school children funded the
building of a battleship with their collections -- once we were the
most generous people in giving aid to the poor of other countries and
coming to relief in disasters -- we the middle class that is. Social
Credit is the path back to that kind of world, that kind of middle class
affluence. The debt incurred at each step in the past has largely been
excessive if not completely unnecessary. We haven't dreamed of what we
could do set free of that constraint.
Richard: I appreciate your questions and criticisms.
part of social credit would you keep? What part discard?
Yep! you are right about this issue Dick ~ Loans created out of thin air ~ create deposits; which in turn create debt at no cost to the loan sharks who own & control the system ~ put in simplified terms. Check books still play a major role in this financial chicanery.........not hard cash money printing presses.
What should our response/attitude be to the threat of total economic
The economy collapses – under the present rules which no politician is
seeking too change -- when foreign and upper-loop American rich lenders
determine that the US cannot make its interest payments or is on the
verge of not being able to meet its obligations. At this point
government debt-financing will become impossible. The US will not
longer be able to fund government services through loans as they have
been doing. The government will have to cut its services except for
what it can pay for through taxes – except what is paid for through
taxes will have to go towards payment of those creditors for interest
payments on what has already been loaned. The government will tax but
it will not spend. The pubic too will feel the collapse as all business
becomes unprofitable due to the complete loss of purchasing power from
With all credit gone – with no money in circulation – all of the
organization and institutions that make our modern society will stop
functioning. The organic economy will die for want of blood in its
veins – the complex division of labor will not be possible because there
will not be purchasing power enough to sustain all of the interconnected
organs of production and service. With the means of producing plenty –
we will perish for want of the tokens with which we pay each other for
services, And most certainly, gold will not be able to replace the
credit money that is now gone.
And guess who the real heroes will be then. Guess who the most valuable
man will be when Credit Babylon falls. The most valuable man will
certainly not be the financial accountant or the corporate lawyer or the
stock jobber or the investment banker or the gold dealer -- the most
valuable man will be the Mexican peasant in the US. Because they alone
know how to build their own house, to live close to the land, to make
things grown, to get by with less. We will look to them for the way to
becoming self-sufficient again -- but of course without a money economy
an extended division of labor cannot exist -- an economy without
purchasing power is like a computer when there is no power of any kind
to operate it.
Gold is sterile. All it really is for is buying your way out of the
country after it has fallen -- as I have said before -- and for
outbidding your neighbor for the morsel of food that will either keep
your child or his child alive.
Gold is merely one step from barter – the final collapse of the modern
economy – where you have to find someone who has something you want and
who wants something that you have and don’t value as much as you do in
order to make a trade. Gold – when people have confidence that it will
be accepted – enables you to buy something from someone who doesn’t
want any of your possessions in return. He can accept your gold and
then go look for someone who does have something he wants and is likely
to accept the gold for it. But you can’t rebuild a country with gold.
Only credit builds a country -- and that is what has been stolen from
us. Economic collapse is when everyone is suddenly unable to provide for themselves and there is no longer any money to keep the great systems of production and provision operating. It is an atomic war without the explosion and the radiation -- but in the end just as devastating.
remember the 1950s about survival after an atomic war “Panic in the Year
Zero” with Ray Miland and Frankie Avalon come to mind -- in which the
real problems that would be faced were never considered. When the
collapse comes you can have your gold and your guns -- but it will do
not good -- without domestic production and processing, without
imports so many score of millions will perish. It is madness to invest your money in gold against that hour – when you can keep your dollars and spend them and work with the social creditors to prevent the collapse -- to take away the credit power -- to create our own purchasing power and distribute it among ourselves right now -- to avert a collapse. People who listen to Beck and Celente and the other gold sellers pretending to be your friend are throwing away the one thing that can save them -- purchasing power with which to provide reinforcement for the continuation of the operation the economy that keeps us alive -- and which cannot be kept alive if the dollar collapses and all that remains for to finance commerce is our individual hoardings of gold. And of course not even our dollars can sustain the economy – because we have been living on international credit and have while we have been feeding and clothing ourselves with foreign products paid for by second mortgage equity that is now gone and while were were doing that our industrial base just crumbled away – even as the financiers took our savings and our tax money going to pay the interest on the national debt and used to it build productive capacity in China so they could produce with labor of a few dollars a day rather than the rate of wages in this society. Yes, under free trade where capital can migrate and goods can flow without protectionism -- wages will everywhere equalize -- we will be living on the real wage the Chinese get -- except that we are no longer an industrious people – having been corrupted by living bank credit attached to our assets and demanding our payment of compound interest on top of the principal of the loan.
there was an honest politician who was also educated -- we might have
been warned -- we might have been lead out of this trap -- but we
were not. Our elite has accepted the rules -- because High Finance can
afford to pay off a few million traitors in order to take down a nation
of 300 million.
And yes, we have every right to repudiate all debt owed to
international organized crime -- just as the Greeks and the Irish have
that right. Just as the Iraqis had that right under their elected
leader Saddam Hussein who had closed the central bank and was attempting
to build his nation without the interference of international bankers.
Do you mean that our society is so broken that dealers cannot even
trade with metals any longer? Richard: I mean that if we reach the point where gold is the only money people will accept – that a large fraction of the American population will die because the economy that feeds us -- and even now it can’t feed all of us because we have become dependent on debt-financed imports which will no longer be forthcoming . If gold becomes the medium then we are dead because the economy that keeps this large population alive cannot operate on that little purchasing power - it can’t operate without the flow of credit that keeps the Zeppelin in the air.
the collapse the gold will remain money -- but little people will not
be able to hold on to it. It will be taken by them rather than spent by
them. Only people with private armies will have gold. It will be a
return to feudalism -- gold will be for the aristocracy – we will be
the debt-slave serfs. But, yes, gold will still be honored -- aren’t
you glad?
If we reach a point where the banks all have to close, and businesses
simply cannot do business any longer, then I'm not sure even most barter
commodities will be of any use. People may resort to looting and will
have no interest in gold. Before such a time, most gold hoarders will
have already sold their supplies, since they will perceive that they
need to get the value out of the gold while there's still time. That
point, I clearly see.
If we let the collapse happen people would barter to the end – except
in contexts when one party is in a position to take from the other with
reasonable impunity. But production will end. One again those to try
to revert to a productive peasant life growing food to feed themselves
and to trade for other items of need -- woolen socks and so forth --
will find that the bandits get it all -- and in come cases the bandits
will let the peasants live if they pay tribute in food or slave labor
-- and so the old middle ages return -- while the financial elites how
are now enjoying billions in real wealth -- and ownership of factories
around the world -- will be the gods of the planet. They won’t miss us
and they won’t write an honest history of what we were really like and
what we were really capable of when free of their depredations.
Larry: A great deal depends upon the speed
of the collapse, the intensity, and the government response. However,
before this happens, in all likelihood, there will be a time when the
gold has increased in value to be traded for what paper money is still
left, and those who were smart enough to invest in physical metals may
be holding the rest afloat. Richard: I’m sorry, Larry. With the collapse of the US economy and the plight we will be in without credit and with creditors thinking they have a right to vacate the current occupants and resettle the US all over again with their aristocracy firmly in charge from then on -- I can’t see how you can be worrying about what advantage your gold hoard can get you. My point restated: If you have reached the point where gold is your only reliance then you are likely going to be dead soon and if you live it will be as a slave -- it is a future not worth planning to adjust to.
For Americans of the lower –loop who will not receive any consideration
from the money power now absolute masters of a bankrupt people with no
legal standing under the master’s rules of bankruptcy – we can’t allow
ourselves even to think of accepting that future. If the economy is
crushed and the creditors are moving in with their plans to do with this
country -- with giant estates of the rich and a sustainable servant
population to keep it smoothly running for them - are you going to be
going around with your gold trying to buy yourself a little freedom, a
little consideration?
Only a slave will prepare for living in that world. Every man and woman
of worth – of golden hearts and character – will put out all of their
effort, all of their dollars now to prevent this world enslavement from
taking place.
And the consequences of collapse that I am painting are not fanciful.
After the fall of the Soviet Union millions died. Millions died in Iraq
when that country was placed under sanctions by Bush Sr and Bill Clinton
and Bush Jr. up to the invasion. People are starving and freezing right
now. Old people are dying – rest homes are killing old people and
concealing the fact. The worth of a human being is being forgotten in
the brutalization and desensitization that comes with hunger and
hopelessness. We are already in the collapse -- but not so far yet
that we cannot reverse it if we rebel against the criminal conspiracy
that has put us where we are.
Repudiate. We owe these criminals nothing. They owe us everything in
restitution for the wars and depressions and other crises they have
arranged. We can provide our own debt-free purchasing power that will
revive our production, or existence as people who can provide for
themselves. Who can live within their means while always expanding
their means through good management and the banishing of the speculators
and credit monopolist bankers. [I differentiate between speculators
and entrepreneurs -- the entrepreneur leads the production sector --
the speculator is a product of a dysfunctional financial sector where
the power to create money and a monopoly of credit has bred the most
ruthless corruption and counter-productive exploitation.
Those individuals can just as easily turn around and blame people like
you for convincing people not to buy the metals when there was
still time!
And I will answer them telling them that they brought the calamity on
themselves by giving up the god of economic cooperation and trust that
we can all work it out if they get behind reforming the economy that is
keeping us alive. You might as well drain your family members of all
their blood and buy gold with it, as take the precious dollars for want
of which we are dying, so you can buy some accommodation for yourself
after the return of the stone age. If you want to save your family
then save this economy in the only way it can be saved -- with
repudiation, debt-free fiat currency and social credit. We have to
save the dollar -- the purchasing power distributed to citizens in this
country -- and do so by breaking all the taboos of banking and
finance -- we must repudiate, take back what has been stolen from us by
fraud. We are dying for want of purchasing power -- and our starvation
of he means of payment is part of a deliberate plan by a ruthless
combination of foreign enemies and domestic sell-outs. We have to
fight now – to avoid the collapse and the post-collapse world that gold
will not make any more tolerable. If after the collapse someone comes
up to me and says: “Richard, I could have bought gold that would have
enabled me to feed my family etc. if only you populists hadn’t talked
me out of listening to the libertarians and conservatives who said to
buy gold -- and if only you hadn't talked me into buying from my
neighbors to keep them in business and investing in domestic production
-- I would have gold to pay people to take food out of other peoples
mouths so I can survive. “ Then I will tell them. “Your problem is
that you did not listen to all that I told you. You needed to get
together with your neighbors and with the victims of criminal finance
all over the country and world and repudiated the debt slavery system -
and led in the banishing of the money changers from government and media
and commerce -- and having the people simply provide for free the
purchasing power that for want of which the nation perished. Things did
not have to come to this. You could have been a good citizen and stood
with your neighbors against a ruthless enemy seeking your ruin -- but
instead you listened to Glenn Beck and Celente who told you that the
world was doomed and it would be very man for himself and that only gold
would have influence on people in the future. Well, sir, here is the
very hell you chose for yourself. The very consequence of your
selfishness and greed – your wish to gain at the expense of your
neighbor through the worship of the golden idol.
Larry: The vast majority of the people out
there can afford to buy a silver dime, for a dollar. Most of them don't
care, and by some power beyond my comprehension, they end up able to
afford cigarettes and alcohol! I cannot tell you how many times I've
heard, "I'm broke!" while they're smoking a cigarette. The pack of
cancer-sticks ran about three silver dimes.
It exasperates me that you are completely by-passing all discussion of
whether there are means of averting the catastrophe in order to make
sure that someone has a few silver dimes --when all the gold coins and
silver coin and bullion in the country are not enough to keep the
engines of our national life support functioning. Certainly, the
outer-loop elites don’t want us to change the rules of the game and hand
out fresh purchasing power to keep us little people of the household and
domestic production sectors “in the game.” The moneyed elites have
built their portfolios to profit from our catastrophe – and not just
with gold -- they are selling gold too fools who listen to Beck/Celente
– and using the money to buy the real wealth – the non-financial
tangible wealth – of this country -- our lands and houses and
businesses and resources and patents and copyrights and inventions and
organizations and ports and roads and airports. They are taking it all
by cheating -- by manipulating money and credit over which they never
should have had any control!!!!! And we can save ourselves if we get
together and stop them. But your concern is that after our nation and
world are destroyed that you will have enough gold to buy – not produce
or grow -- food out of other peoples mouths.
Let me summarize: If we let the collapse happen and hedge against it by
buying gold, millions will die and those who survive will be either an
aristocracy with the power of gods, and a servant people who will exist
only at the sufferance of their absolute masters. If that is the world
you want to have some gold in -- let me give you this advice -- spend
your money not on gold, but on the professional training of a
successful prostitute on the best way to lick an ass – because that is
going to be the only coin that buys anything for the surviving lower
classes in the post-United States of America world that is on the way
unless we prevent it with the measures I am advocating.
Can you imagine what would happen if all the silver and gold gave
smokers the same kick as nicotine . . . and they all had silver the way
they now have the tobacco?! Can you imagine all that silver being
pumped back into circulation? Richard: Cigarettes have been used as money in prison camps and in occupied countries after wars. But I don’t see your point.
owning gold an investment? Does it add to production? Does it keep
someone employed. Does it reward an entrepreneur who has organized
production to provide things for consumers? No. It does just the
opposite. To get that gold you had to send your dollars out of the
country where they will do no American any good – where they will be
used to borrow a foreclosed house to turn it into a rental property
where the rent will not be going to a foreign landlord -- who will use
the rent to buy yet more houses etc -- and the lower-loop Americans
will not have any purchasing power to bid agains them. What you call
the collapse of your “personal economy” is exactly what is happening to
everybody below the elite upper loop of international billionaires.
Don’t you see there was a disconnect between you investing in gold at
the behest of Celente and Beck on one side and the failure of the
economy to provide you with a sustainable livelihood on the other. You
save for the “Panic in the Year Zero”, while neglecting to wisely manage
and invest and support the world that provides for you and for everyone
else. We can avert disaster – but you are convinced the disaster can’t
be averted and just want to make sure that you have some gold and silver
coins so you can buy snacks as you witness the unfolding of the end of
the world. What about buying some populist reform to prevent the catastrophe -- in fact to reverse the catastrophe?
Don’t you want to see the country saved – the people lifted out of this
misery? Or do you just want to outbid them for the remaining bites of
food with the gold you have hoarded?
But the primary issue is, while you're working on a social credit
system, which may never happen, if you buy gold, you'll have something
solid that will work throughout nearly any economic crisis. It
will hold its value most of the time, and might be used for
certain transactions. It's real and here right now, to protect your
future for most scenarios.
You tell me you want to prevent collapses, and of course, i totally
agree with you. Go ahead and fight for social credit money , , , and if
it fails to ever be implemented, what have you got left?
If I fail to save my family, and neighbors and my community and my
country with all of the good people I know are worthy of a better life
and better prospects -- then gold and the things gold will buy won’t
mean anything to me. The only thing I would be interested in would be
how mankind could possibly free themselves from this tyranny -- but I
know I will be too old and shaken and broken to be able to contribute
anything towards that end. I am more like the Captain who goes down
with his ship after doing everything in my power to keep it afloat. Let
others worry about whether there are extra rations on the lifeboats --
because I know that there aren’t enough lifeboats to save even half of
the passengers.
In my situation, as long as gold is being traded, I will have the
ability to help those less fortunate than I . . . and, as the case may
be, those too stupid to have bought their own stash when they could
When you get to that situation, just stand up on a big stump and yell
to all the “stupids” -- “If only you stupids had bought gold like me
we would all be feasting now? But too bad for you. I am eating because
I have gold and you are starving because you didn’t buy gold.” But tell
me Larry, -- how could it be that if those people took their wages and
instead of buying goods and services with it bought gold – how doing
that would put more food on tables than if they had spent the dollars on
food keeping a farm going, or on local products that would have kept
local production going? If they bought gold too then there would have
been even less food in the country for that gold to bid against. There
would be gold inflation. Just like paper inflation. But don’ t worry.
There is never enough gold to meet the needs of a nation. Only a
minority of the powerful. Gold is how they control the world.
And that is, to an extent, already happening to me. Most of the people
I'm currently helping will not buy even one silver dime. Their brains
cannot comprehend long-term value. In the coming years, if my own stash
increases a thousandfold, I'm sure they still will not buy any of it,
and nor will you. You will be out there screaming about social credit
money, and how rotten the bankers are . . . and perhaps wondering if I
can cash in a gold coin to keep food on your table. Thank you for
writing to me and working my brain cells. We are both in the upper
one-percent crust of patriots who actually care about this matter, and
would like to do something sensible about it.
You draw a picture of a world where there are winners who trusted in
gold and losers who did not. You envision of world of scarcity – where
gold can pry the scarce goods from people -- zero sum game where gold
determines who gets the remaining crumbs. That is hell. I will not
spend my time thinking of how I can get an edge over other people in
hell. I will put all my effort in saving people from this hell that is
the logical consequence of usury and fractional reserve banking and the
private monopolization of credit.
This coming December 15th, I will be picking up some repaired clothing,
and the woman doing the work was offered cash, silver, or a seminar in
the money problem. She has roughly two weeks to make up her mind, and I
gave her a promotional sheet on the seminar. Now, I have a feeling
she's going to want cash, but what if she said to me, "I want silver,
and I'm going to start selling eggs here, because you told me you wanted
to buy some. I will accept your silver for the eggs. They will be more
expensive, and you'll be paying for what I already bought at the store,
but you'll be paying with silver."
Okay, that's it for now. Previous exchanges between Larry and Richard (most recent first)
Richard (1):
. . . of course dollars leave the domestic economy when you buy gold.
Any kind of non-debt currency is impractical right now, unless
citizens generate their own paper barter instruments.
From Kitson I learned that the gold standard is
deflation and slavery to the gold monopolists and that it doesn't cure
depressions but rather causes them and and makes the cure all but
impossible. Kitson's solution of course was the nationalization of
Henry George Progress and Poverty Chapter V the Real Functions of Capital Chapter Iv Disproof of the Malthusian Theory Book Iii the Laws of Distribution Chapter I the Inquiry Narrowed to the Laws of Distribution—necessary Relation of These Laws Chapter Ii Rent and the Law of Rent Chapter Iii of Interest and the Cause of Interest Chapter Iv of Spurious Capital and of Profits Often Mistaken For Interest Chapter V the Law of Interest Chapter Vi Wages and the Law of Wages Chapter Vii the Correlation and Co-ordination of These Laws Chapter Viii the Statics of the Problem Thus Explained Book Iv Effect of Material Progress Upon the Distribution of Wealth Chapter I the Dynamics of the Problem Yet to Seek Chapter Ii the Effect of Increase of Population Upon the Distribution of Wealth Chapter Iii the Effect of Improvements In the Arts Upon the Distribution of Wealth Chapter Iv Effect of the Expectation Raised By Material Progress Chapter I the Primary Cause of Recurring Paroxysms of Industrial Depression Chapter Ii the Persistence of Poverty Amid Advancing Wealth Chapter I Insufficiency of Remedies Currently Advocated Book Vii Justice of the Remedy Chapter I the Injustice of Private Property In Land Chapter Ii the Enslavement of Laborers the Ultimate Result of Private Property In Land Chapter Iii Claim of Land Owners to Compensation Chapter Iv Property In Land Historically Considered Chapter V of Property In Land In the United States Book Viii Application of the Remedy Chapter I Private Property In Land Inconsistent With the Best Use of Land Chapter Ii How Equal Rights to the Land May Be Asserted and Secured Chapter Iii the Proposition Tried By the Canons of Taxation Chapter Iv Indorsements and Objections Book IX. Effects of the Remedy: Chapter I of the Effect Upon the Production of Wealth Chapter Ii of the Effect Upon Distribution and Thence Upon Production Chapter Iii of the Effect Upon Individuals and Classes Chapter Iv of the Changes That Would Be Wrought In Social Organization and Social Life Book X. The Law of Human Progress: Chapter I the Current Theory of Human Progress—its Insufficiency Chapter Ii Differences In Civilization—to What Due Chapter Iii the Law of Human Progress Chapter Iv How Modern Civilization May Decline
the Problem of Individual Life
Note too that Fed open market purchases of securities -- provides money to the international loop that never reaches the domestic loop except to buy up foreclosed properties so that businesses become foreign owned businesses where profits leave the country (deflationary) and houses become foreign owned rental properties where rent leaves the country (more deflation). And of course if there is deflation it profits the creditor at the expense of the debtor because the dollars buys more and is harder to earn at the time of repayment than it did at the time of borrowing -- including labor (i.e. you work more to earn a dollar to make loan payments) so debtors pay back heavier dollars than what they borrowed. In deflation investment dries up and bond buying increases. Only the friends of the gold monopoly dare think of being entrepreneurs -- but most entrepreneurs will not get a chance to show what they can do. Gold fosters speculation, not investment. It fosters international gold owners to alternate boom and bust by alternately investing their gold and then withdrawing it again. Easy credit when foreign gold smiles -- and a boom in business and housing -- then interest and principal payments eat up the sunshine and cause a bust whereupon the gold is withdrawn and all businesses fail and all households go into bankruptcy and the internationals re-enter to buy up all assets in distress sales and bankruptcy auctions. Also -- the very notion of "intrinsic value" of gold backing money is a direct contradiction of the Austrian tenant of value being subjective. The fact is that the value of money is never its backing and the intrinsic value of what backs it -- but is rather the subjective present evaluation of what an amount of money will purchase. The intrinsic value argument and the subjective value theory are totally at odds. (The subjective value theory is the correct one -- and thus the intrinsic value argument for gold falls flat. I ask you to consider this exposition of the Social Credit answer for the current economic crises as an alternative to the Austrian view and the Keynes, Neoclassical etc views.
– Dick Eastman
This note focuses on the one problem from which all other national economic problems flow - and on the solution which will eliminate that problem for good and open the door to the kind of happy future for all mankind which most of us have stopped thinking would ever be possible. You all have read a thousand articles about the Fed and the crimes of the financial elites -- but this message identifies the flaw in our lending system, the flaw which gives birth to all of the evils that inflict us.
If it is still
worthwhile to know what part of our malfunctioning economy is the wrong
part for the engine and to know what kind of part the economic engine
really needs -- then this article people need to read. Nothing will happen to money in circulation if they all use their checkbooks and Tom is not a bank.
let us ask the right question: Where does our debt-money system fail us
and what can we do about it. A "last seller" is a man who gets money and then exits it from circulation -- either by using it to pay interest or principal on a loan or by depositing it outside the country or into a mattress where it will not be spent for a long indefinite period.
Now we come to the source of our troubles.
Say $100 in new money is added to total checking deposits in the
country. Because that $100 has risen the water line in the great tub of
deposits (remember the new first spent $100 is always either one one
persons checking account or another -- our real money is not "checks"
but rather "transfers of balances from one account to another") -- now
the fractional reserve system allows that however high the tub of
deposits in the bank a certain fraction of that total can be lent. It
is easier and quicker to understand when we forget individual banks and
talk about the water line of all deposits in all banks.
And notice this about what has been explained above. Inflation was not
the cause of the problem. Inflation is simply another word for
investment. In fact "economic bubble" is just another word for people
investing (smart or stupid) with borrowed money. The trouble enters in
when "anti-inflation" that taking back of that loan money and yet more
than the amount of the loan in the form of payment to the banks of
principal and interest causes deflation -- causes the money multiplier
of contraction (collapse) of loans. Actually inflation is not bad at
all. It is deflation that kills us. Only the holders of financial
wealth, the lords of the financial sector, like deflation because it is
when they take back what they created out of thin air and then more --
which is a drain that is multiplied so that the lender/creditor ends up
owning everything the borrower had before he came seeking a loan and the
business that the borrower built up with the loan. Borrowers are farmed
and fleeced and so are entire nations.
by Dick Eastman
I received this email: "With each artificial bust cycle the banksters end up owning & controlling more & more." Here is my reply to this old friend of mine and to everyone else tricked into thinking that "inflation" is the problem. I followed you nodding my head in agreement all the way until you reached exactly the wrong conclusion saying: "This is why inflation needs to be kept in check." You gave an excellent diagnosis and prognoses -- and then call for "bleeding" the patient whose problem in the first place is loss of blood. This puts you in the the company of Celente, Ron Paul, Beck, Tarpley, Keiser etc. Once more let me give you the inflationist view -- the social creditor view. The Financial Sector is selling you deflation that is sugar-coated with fast-dissolving purchasing power -- some money up front that immediately begins to be taken away again in compound interest payments over and above the principal that must be paid back. Financial Sector loans are not really net injections of purchasing power. When you look at flows of loans into the economy and interest payments and principal payments out of the economy you see that their favor is really a theft. And they collect both on the interest -- which they really paid out nothing of their own to receive -- and they collect the equally considerable gain from the deflation (lower prices for the things bankers like to buy - like foreclosed properties that they turn into rental properties or simply liquidate thereby getting rid of a pesky small-guy competitor of their corporations). Inflation is being blamed for the crimes of interest and deflation. Inflation is investment, it is ample money -- bubbles are not bad because they are easy money spending, they are bad because it is the speculators who direct what is being spent. But bubbles would not lead to busts if it were not for the real problem -- deflation. What is deflation? Deflation is when there is too little money for current price levels which is caused by the leakage of payment of interest and principal being a flow that over time greatly exceeds the flow of investment loans going in. So the problem is not injection of too much money chasing too few goods -- because the problem of our economy is not enough money to buy the good we could and would be making for ourselves given our labor force and our resources. The bust does not step from the bubble -- remember a bubble is just new money all going to a few types of investment that is directed by the financial sector. For someone to say that the problem is "inflation" is making a big mistake. Inflation is adding money to circulation. There is no money in the loop of transactions between households (consumers and labor suppliers) and the domestic production sector (entrepreneurs, engineers, managers, skilled labor producing goods and providing services). That is what is causing our problem. Furthermore the high prices you see are not the result of monetary inflation -- since there is not monetary inflation. The high prices result not not not from too many dollars chasing too few goods, but rather from the fact that America is producing a smaller economic pie and because we have been buying from abroad from monopolists who charge monopoly prices -- by monopolizing supply and setting administered prices, destroying competition ensuring that price is raised enough and quantity (which it costs them to provide) is small enough that their profit is maximized -- whereas in free competition driven by ample demand and purchasing power and no monopoly the sellers/producers cannot get together to control output etc. Prices are high because the hostile foreign monopolists and bankers are actually working to starve us off the land -- they have done this in a hundred ways we have discussed over the years -- weather disasters, genetically modified sterile seed, various regulations, putting our agriculture out of business with monopoly agribusiness etc -- The fact being that all of these factors lead to high prices for certain articles even as there is deflation in the land -- if you look at wages, and at the prices of foreclosed properties, bankrupt businesses and distress sales in both the household and the productive sectors. Only the things the poor commoners, the average citizen buys are priced high -- gasoline, rent, food, fuel, public services, education etc. -- look what people pay for DVD's of old movies that cost 2 cents to mass produce, look what we pay for prescription drugs almost as cheap -- and do any of these royalties and copyrights actually profit the scientists who develop them or foster writers and artists to undertake more and better productions? Not at all. Anyway, as I was saying. Inflation is good. Only inflation ends recessions and depressions. What is wrong is not the injection of money into production -- but rather that 1) each injection loan goes to the wrong place -- to the "bubble" investment chosen by Big Finance -- instead of to the consumer for him to spend, putting the American family ahead of the creditor class whose wealth is measured in our indebtedness; 2) each injection of money wherever it is being misdirected always eventually ends in a leakage of purchasing power that is bigger than the initial injection -- because both the initial injection must be paid back to the bank and compound interest on the loan. So every transfusion results in a "bleeding of the patient" that removes more blood than the transfusion provided. This kills the patient. I am an inflationist -- I am pouring my time and health in promoting inflation -- but it must be fiat inflation, not debt inflation. My money is not there only a short while and then taken away by interest payments and principal repayment that leaves the economy with less money than before the loan was made. I am for reflating the economy with money to households which does not have to be paid back -- which can be spent and will stay in circulation allowing American businesses to profitable so they do not require loans and more loans to keep the inevitable from happening. The first thing that C. H. Douglas discovered during world war one was that firms are always failing, their cannot earn enough from sales to pay all of their input costs and financing costs. What you are calling Finance Capitalism inflation is exactly the opposite -- it is deflation with a short-lived inflationary sugar coating that melts away very quickly and then begins to work recession on us through big deflation from interest payment plus principal payment leaving the economy. In other words, Finance Capital Investment is not inflationary over time, it is deflationary. The initial loan gives a boost and you build a business or a house, then that initial jolt of injection is reversed by the steady drain of compound interest over and above repayment of the loan principal. Inflation is what we need. It is not what we are getting. Quantitative Easing is not money going to households or the business sector. They are not even investing here any more. The rule of international Jewish finance which is allied with the Chinese dictatorship and Zionist Moneyed Creditor classes is very clear to the intelligent observer: THERE CAN BE NO INVESTMENTS IN AMERICA THAT WILL INCREASE AMERICAN PRODUCTIVITY, THAT WILL ADD MACHINES TO LABOR TO MAKE LABOR MORE VALUABLE - THERE WILL BE NOTHING TO ADD TO AMERICAN OUTPUT. EVERY SO-CALLED INVESTMENT WILL REALLY BE A PURCHASE OF JUNK THAT REPLACES SYSTEMS OF STRENGTH. Instead of new hydroelectric dams or atomic power, all of that will be torn down and inferior wind power will replace it -- or a big railroad (19th century technology) will be built only to facilitate getting Chinese made goods from the West Coast to the East Coast -- without trucks that bring business to the starving towns in between, etc. Quantitative Easing is going to the bankers -- to the elites who operate in the international sphere -- where there already many times more dollars than exist in circulation in the US - many more dollar denominated deposits than exist in the domestic economy. Not a penny goes to stimulate out economy. And of course the bailouts -- the trillions given to the financial sector before Quantitative Easing giveaway -- the bailouts were debt financed - which means the tax payer later on must pay in taxes the amount of the bailout plus compound interest on the bailout. And what do you say after all that happens? What is your brilliant solution to the continuing holocausting of the American people and the people of Greece, Ireland, and a hundred other countries? You say that we have to keep money away from the people! You agree with Rockefeller and Rothschild and Greenspan and Bernanke that inflation is the bad thing and that we have to keep consumption down with austerity monetary policy. And you are also one of those who want to convert to a gold standard -- so that the loans that were made to us in thin air will, after conversion, have to be paid back plus interest in gold -- gold that is monopolized by the gold cartel -- gold we must borrow from the Rothschilds to get. Gold that gives the gold monopolists far better control over the world banking system than control of all the central banks -- because gold supply cannot be expanded to provide more purchasing power for the common man -- which means that the burden of paying debt will get heavier and heavier due to deflation -- because of principal and interest causing deflation, but also because of added costs of having to obtain gold from Rothschild at Rothschild's price before any expansion of purchasing power is possible. (And of course the expansion of purchasing power will only be temporary -- as the interest payments begin right away. etc. But the more I talk the less people read. And you, I fear, will never learn that REAL inflation is our only hope --inflation not tied to the vampire of interest. You have received a thousand posts from me -- and have occasionally discussed some of them with me -- but here you are saying that money to the people is the cause of our problem, that "inflation needs to be kept in check". What you should have said is that we need more money in the hands of households so they can through effective demand call forth more American pie from American production. Inflation is the only thing that can save us. You and Ron Paul and Celente and Beck and every other brainwashed or Rockefeller owned -- are giving the people poison. You are giving them deflation that is what is sucking every community of all its life. Big thanks, for nothing. Under Social Credit the new money appears in households free and clear so the household sector will be the economic sovereign who gives the dollar signals to the entrepreneur, so he will organize production for Americans, production that is profitable because Americans have the money to pay for it -- so our businesses can expand on the basis of ample profit -- and can use that profit to expand production without being tied to the vampire zombie corpse of compound interest loans. Let me put it to you straight. By rejecting social credit as you do you are killing America and allowing the continued destruction and murder of every community, every family, of everyone's future. These are just written words -- but if you engage your brain and your courage and your energy -- we can stop win the war that Big Finance is waging against mankind. So do you see 1) that deflation rather than inflation is the problem, 2) that the Monetary Power is not now "inflating" the domestic economy of households and producers in any way shape or form; and that the solution is debt-free fiat money created out of thin air in the hands of the people, to the household sector which buys from the American production sector - rather having the money originate in the financial sector which is then loaned at interest go foreigners and to our government for its bailouts and non-productive stupid investments in giant pinwheels and bombs for murdering any and all Moslems living too close to Israel, China and India. Yes or no? Give me a straight answer. It's truth or the golden calf of pyrite and mica.
The History of the House of Rothschild Part
II ====================
The History of the House of Rothschild =====================
The Rothschild’s Colonization of India and Looting its Gold
Henry Kissinger is
the chief lieutenant of David Rockefeller, who is the American commisar
of the Rothschild empire, which runs just about everything.
Rothschild, world Zionism and world capitalism has been fleecing US
Secrets of the Federal Reserve
==================== Zionism is the Worship of Rothschild Ownership of the World? Or is there a secret society that is still on the gold bullion standard -- who are behind all of the chaos so they can re-impose the gold standard. Exactly that is what is described by these two Lords in their speech to the house of Lords -- which I (Eastman) have transcribed below from the video linked below. It seems that the House of Lords are in the Dark and many in the City of London are in the dark as two who this gold-standard clique of super wealthy people may be and what their plans are or whether they can be trusted not to be the words biggest rotters. Listen to the video as you read along. The curtain is pulled back -- only to see that there are more curtains that those on the other side of the curtain we have just penetrated are wondering about with, as the British are always very good at, concealed great concern.
First , Lord James of Blackheath, addressing the UK House of Lords,
November 1 -- was dead within 21 days of when this address was
Dick Eastman quick transcription (in case it disappears from youtube):
"...simply because I've been engaged in some rather delicate work on
behalf of our cousins in the United States and it's been quite the
dangerous work, uh, is that we have been exposing the biggest corruption
story in the history of the world uh which is basically surrounded uh
it concerns the derivatives operation uh all derivatives are fraudulent
finance activities - the United States moved this week unto the Bazel 2
norms which means that all off-balance-sheet transactions are illegal
and uh which means that the entire derivatives sector is worth zilch.
Second speaker (identified across the screen as Lord James):
Lord James: I'm going to have to make a very big apology to my noble
friend, ?noble lord so soon?? because I'm about to raise a subject which
I shouldn't raise which is going to be one which I think is now time to
put on the higher awareness and to explain to the House as a whole as I
don't think they have any ?? as sorry ??? of pride is not ??in them
because it deeply concerns him also . For the last 20 weeks since
yesterday afternoon I have been engaged in a very strange dialog with
the two noble lords, in the course of which I have been trying to bring
to their attention the willing availability of a strange organization
which is to make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery
of the economy in this country.
A: Each class, creditor and debtor, operates in a different economy. The creditor class regulates both. In the lower class -- consisting of the household and production sectors of the domestic economy -- is constrained to operating in the lower loop. Banks and government are the means whereby the upper loop regulates and "farms" the lower loop.
upper loop provides the lower loop with a flow of loans but it takes
back over time a larger flow than it takes in. Since the lower loop of
households and domestic businesses of the domestic economy cannot pay
back the loan with money, it must pay with assets.
the upper loop wants to own new industries that exploit new technologies
they extend loans to lower loop businesses so that the lower loop
entrepreneurs, engineers and skilled workers will have the tools and
payment to develop and build this new industry. Then the upper loop
simply stops making loans until the drainage of principal and interest
bring on deflation and depression. The new businesses will fail due to
lack of demand for their products which in turn is due to the drain of
purchasing power. The new businesses will go bankrupt and will be
bought up cheaply by the upper loop with their large reserve of
accumulated interest which they have been withholding.
However the upper loop does not by the failed businesses directly from
the people who started the businesses and built them. Rather they wait
until the businesses have gone into receivership -- so that the money
they pay for the bankrupt properties will not go to lower loop people.
The upper loop loses power if every the lower loop people ever have
purchasing power free and clear.
the upper loop money is not loans. The money of the upper loop is
bets. It is a money of pure speculation. When speculators gamble in
the derivatives market they create marketable bets called derivatives,
but also commodities futures, swap options or whatever bet they choose
to make. The upper loop is completely unregulated. The upper loop is
all about gaining assets from values they have created "out of thin
air" -- they find that "thin air" moves and physical matter and
controls human behavior. The upper loop uses "thin air" to gain the
assets of the earth.
No more
bogus financial sector which is supposed to take our savings and lend
them for investment in producers goods. That never did work. Under the
present usury system savings out and investment in never did match up so
that purchasing power remained constant. And certainly interest rates,
whether market determined or manipulated by central banks or speculators
never did give us a proper balance between the production of investment
goods and producers goods. And absolutely positively never did the
system not end up with all wealth being redistributed from working
households to the financiers and corporations providing producers goods,
war "export" goods and "reconstruction" goods. Deflation was chronic
-- interest payments pouring into the hands of the financial sector (the
creditor class) leading to under consumption by households and thus
unsold consumer goods. But of course with depressed demand, investment
would stop. And it has. And disappearing purchasing power would lead
to defaults on loans and a recession, leading to bankruptcies and loan
calls and more bankruptcies and austerity and less wages and less
purchasing power and more bankruptcies and busted budgets leading to
foreclosures. And then the phony stimulus -- which usually never
reaches the domestic householders.
above all we do not need the creditor class -- which having all of that
interest owed to it -- all of those payments the households and domestic
businesses must keep making to them far into the future -- so that they
become so vitally interested in seeing to it that there is monstrous
deflation to ensure that the money we will have to pay them as interest
has the maximum purchasing power possible -- so it will require the
maximum of our working time and our earnings to make the payments. No
more will this class direct monetary policy in their own pre-deflation
Social Credit the households would lay out cash for the products they
want, making profits for the entrepreneurs who provided those goods and
losses for those who did not produce what the sovereign household demand
was looking for. From the profit the successful entrepreneurs would
have money to expand or to move into other fields where their business
acumen indicates that more profits can be made serving households. No
more would bankers decide where corporations invest. No more would
bankers create wars or man-made natural disasters (hurricanes,
earthquakes, tsunamis) to create demand for their industrial complexes.
No more would we have big stimulation in the construction industry --
which is the only industry that big finance allows, because construction
contracts is how political payoffs are made to ruling elites in the
smaller communities throughout the country.
Moreover, because wages are not sufficient to purchase all of existing
production (wages being just one part of the production cost of any
item), the Household Revenue Service would give every citizen a monthly
dividend, a sum of money to fill the gap in the purchasing power (and
make it equal to the collective prices for consumable goods for sale),
and to ensure each and all a share in the goods of the nation. Those
who would be employed in production would still receive a salary, but
everyone, employed as well as unemployed, would receive his or her
The dividend formula would be infinitely better than the present social
programs like welfare, unemployment insurance, etc., since the dividend
would not be financed by the taxes of those who are employed, but by new
money created by the National Credit Office. No one would therefore live
at the expense of the taxpayers; the dividend would be a heritage that
is due to all citizens, who are all stockholders in the human race in
the United States. The beauty of a portion of income going to everyone that is not tied to loans or tied to labor, it gives people power to bargain for wages. Social credit is a "strike fund" for everyone that makes labor unions unnecessary. No longer would the Creditor and Corporate Ownership classes have bargaining superiority in setting wages. There would always be demand enough for people to got into business for themselves or to find another employer of their particular skills so that they do not have to tolerate low wages or injustice in the workplace. Social credit ends not only wage slavery but also debt slavery. Machines were invented to increase productivity from labor and to increase leisure available to man. With modern factories all mankind should be enjoying great leisure, except that the usury system has taken all of the the gain for the financial sector at the expense of working households. Under social credit the household will be the main thing -- where families are raised and where culture is improved through leisure and the means of self-development and community improvement.
As it stands right now, we have usury based/private issue of all currency for circulation and we have had it mostly for 316 years running now except for a few attempts by some intrepid elected officials which ended in their demise. Tony Blizzard's article below is honest and factual. If a government would indeed observe Christian moral standards in an honest fiat monetary system, the money supply would be issued scientifically with the people getting its first use usury free. We could expect general prosperity to follow. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus upheld the Law and the Prophets (Law of Moses). This Law of Moses calls for the abolition of usury. And this is the primary source of our economic consternation. When we reject the Old Testament laws on usury, we consequently reject Laws that Jesus has approved of.
Listen closely to Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Ron Paul, for example, who wrote the book "End the Fed" never analyzes the actual definition of fiat money as Blizzard does below. Out of Ron Paul's affiliations comes a professor named Gary North. Mr. North is very good at doing hatchet jobs against all who would dare suggest that his precious gold is not necessary as a base for a monetary system to chug along successfully. Well, Mr. Paul, Mr. Kucinich, Mr. North and Mr. Rockwell, have not the bankers already proved that fiat money works well as a medium of exchange? And they have done so even though the present form is usury based. Furthermore, it will work once again when they restore the money supply to sufficient levels.
Let us look at a simplified example. This example recognizes that since mid-2007 banks stopped extending credit to small to mid sized businesses and major corporations like GM, Ford and Chrysler. Layoffs followed and unemployment rose to mountainous heights. Our present national debt stands at about $15 Trillion. If we round off some of this as $5 Trillion owed to foreign central banks, we have the remainder of $10 Trillion owed to the Federal Reserve. Now with $10 Trillion of T-Bonds held as assets by the Fed, an actual $300 Trillion of bank credit could be easily pumped into the economy to stimulate hiring in the industrial sector. This is based on the fact that fractional reserve banking laws allow banks (Federal Reserve Banks, national banks and community banks) to leverage their loans against deposits at a 30 to one ratio. They really do create new usury based money when they extend bank credit as loans. But the bankers' agenda is different than what the people perceive. And the bankers control the beltway because they have and control most of the money. Ron Paul and his entourage do not discuss these facts in their books at all. Their agenda is gold backed currency. All their discussion is negative toward all who suggest otherwise.
Recently, Gary North wrote a 38 Page essay called "Gertrude Coogan's Bluff". I read it and I read Gertrude Coogan's "Money Creators". Ms Coogan was keenly aware of the boom and bust cycles caused by manipulations of high-finance from the international banking cartels. Her dissertation was thorough. In 344 pages she covered the mechanics of Fractional Reserve Banking and precisely how they use this power to control the economy. She also presented historical data in a final chapter. If one would read Mr. North's final page, he would understand that nothing Ms Coogan wrote in her bool has any value at all. North's essay is nothing but a hatchet job. This is the school of thought that Ron Paul subscribes to, all criticism with no answers. Ms Coogan provides one possible solution. Others suggest several more. Anyone who wants to learn more should start paying attention to Richard Eastman's posts.
Daniel S. Krynicki
Clair Shores, Michigan
Nationally, within our borders and among domestic corporations, domestic proprietorships and partnerships, farmers, students and home owner citizens we have the ability to see to it that none of them pay interest for front money that is needed in production and a few other critical needs. Interest free fiat money that would disappear from the money supply as it is paid back would not contribute to inflation at all. If poor decisions were made by parents while their children were young and nothing was saved for the child's higher education --- but after maturity the child decides to attempt higher learning --- what recourse have you left them if they cannot pay for it? Banks need only exist to facilitate the movement of money, for which fees should be paid. Interest free loans from fiat issue is not off the table yet.
This is where solid Bible study and the belief that the Lord instructed Moses wisely regarding usury enters the picture. In the New Testament we find the admonition, "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; one who rules his own house well". This bishop is one who would make a great monetary administrator. He would also be able to see through anglers, including those who advocate for proportional dividend. In the Old Testament, the priests were the civil administrators. It is not too much of a stretch for me to realize that if we don't revert back to our Christian roots which includes the Law and the Prophets, we are doomed to failure.
Daniel S. Krynicki St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Ron Paul is the scammer. He is indeed a wolf in sheep's clothing. Follow the gold. Who owns most of it? Is there enough of it to provide 100% of the backing needed to back their currency scheme? Do you think the Rothschild's and Rockefellers will not have enough gold to wield influence in what he is peddling?
Here is the real problem. The heart of man is desperately wicked. Who can know it? TW Hughes wrote in "Forty Years of Roosevelt" back in 1944 that two laws presently prevail in human existence: (1) the desire to survive, and (2) the desire to exploit. This real problem of exploitation can only be overcome when the use of the money created benefits all the people. The money lovers must be cut out of an elite loop controlling it. Lew Rockwell's scheme hasn't solved this problem.
Before you decide which economic faction to support, study the matter thoroughly. And don't think because a man purports to be a teacher of Christian economics like Gary North of the Ludwig von Mises Institute that he is in fact what he says he is.
Daniel Krynicki
The biggest conflict of interest and moral hazard in the US -- the root of all corruption, the source and empowering of conspiracy is the fact that the intermediaries who supposedly take peoples savings and then lend them out to entrepreneurs are also the bond holders, the creditors to whom all debt is owed. Intermediaries are supposed to make money on the spread between depositors savings accounts and the rate at which business loans are made. Bond holders simply own IOUs and can only gain in wealth if they can engineer deflation. When the bond holders and the intermediaries are the same persons, investment will simply not be made -- because creditors have much more to gain from engineering deflation than intermediaries have from lending savers' savings to entrepreneurs.
That is why American bankers have quit providing money for domestic economy entrepreneurs. They much rather profit by deflation, with occasional refilling of the pot to drain by extending easy home-equity credit which they know will be soon eaten up again in deflation by virtue of the fact that no matter how much new money they create in the form of home equity loans will be taken back again with a vengeance when both principal and compound interest must be repaid. The deflation continues apace, but with each short period of boom, more assets are created that will be captured by the creditor class in foreclosure.
Bank intermediaries simply should not be allowed to own bonds. It is a conflict of interest and a crime.
Look at the debt that the people are in - all owed to bankers, i.e., to the intermediaries who are supposed to bundle savings and lend it out to producers but never do.
If I could be Führer for a day the first thing I would do after a) repudiating all debt to the international bankers, 2) initiating social credit dividends for the creation of all new money in the household sector exclusively, 3) making money US treasury "thin air" debt-free fiat and 4) ending fractional reserve banking would be to 5) impose a law separating bonds from banking so that Businesses selling bonds and Government selling bonds - will be kept a quadrillion light years from the banks which I would limit exclusively to lending savers' time savings deposits to businessman borrowers and home buyers.
Once the human race separates bonds and banking every day will be the first day of spring.
Dick Eastman Yakima, Washington
No matter how bad the lemon you drive, there is always someone willing to sell you a worse lemon.
These men when they call for a gold standard and the abolition of the Fed are actually proposing that all of the assets held by the Fed be turned over to the National Banks, that is turning over all of the US debt they hold -- the securities the Fed has been buying in its "Quantative Easing" program (the name was invented to keep the open market operations mechanism hidden from the public) giving the securities to the Rothschild controlled banks that own they system.
These Rothschild owned regional banks and big New York banks will simply
get all of those securities for their own portfolios -- that is why the
investment banks changed the rules allowing them to merge with the Fed
owning national banks. And under this plan, the "nationally chartered"
banks -- probably just the biggest ones, will get to issue the money if
they have the gold reserves. Thus they are putting Rothschild's gold
holdings in total control of money and credit in the US. Its the most
stupid thing the American people can do -- but all of you folks love
to dance to Paul and Celente and Schiff because they have learned what
songs make you laugh or cry, or stand up and salute, or scare you into
doing stupid things without even starting to think about the
consequences. ===============
I think that, in its prime, the Birch Society was the biggest controlled
opposition organization that ever existed in the "patriot community."
Years ago I accused it of being the first outfit to spread the lie that
monopoly capitalism (which is the ONLY kind of capitalism) and free
enterprise are the same thing when, in fact, they are 180 degrees
opposed. No one ever responded. Also I constantly described its policy
as "forever learning and never coming to the truth." I know for a fact
that two chapters in So. Cal. were shut down by headquarters because
they were studying the Jewish involvement in just about everything that
the society was supposedly trying to correct.
The gold panic is suicidal. Americans are being stampeded of a cliff by the gold monopoly. Stop the panic to gold. You are bleeding this country to death when you buy gold -- and there isn't any monetary inflation. You are being had and it will cost us all everything.
Our dollars are our only economic salvation.
There is no monetary inflation, only the worst monetary deflation in our history.
Only inflation ends depressions. American's must know that under the present system all bank loans are inflation. All investment is inflation. This economy needs inflation just as much you need to inhale your next breath.
We are not inflating. We need to inflate.
You object, do you? You say that any fool can see by the rising prices of gasoline and food that we are in an inflation.
Yes, I agree. All fools can see that. But it is false nonetheless. Fuel prices rise because they are administered prices of an oil cartel and the deliberate restriction of supply at the well and at the refinery by monopolist producers. Food prices rise in part because of fuel prices, but mostly because of a global effort of the Rothschild Power to make food scare all around the world in 2011. This is monopoly pricing and it is also Rockefellerian Population Control at work. The prices are also due to the destruction of small competitors against which the big corporations, including Wal Mart, had been attempting to drive from the market with their Chinese-labor competitive edge. But now that they have the markets to themselves, they can now raise prices as an ordinary retail monopolist without fear of new entry. No new entry is possible in this deflation depression. ---
The Rothschild mouthpieces say that the US must pay down the debt by cutting government services and transfers, but cutting wages, by privatizing and selling off public assets, by cutting the American standard of living -- ostensibly because we were "too pigish" in borrowing rather than working for a living - because we are liberal hippies who avoid hard work like the rich people do " etc.
That is not true. The economy is failing because of excessive debt that
was inevitable simply from the fact that all of our money is bank-loan
money that always must be paid back 100 percent and with compound
interest. The more we stimulate with debt-financed stimulus, and the
more we pay off our debt by undertaking new debt in the form of a newer
home equity loan -- the more we will pay later on -- principal plus
interest -- putting us into an even worse spot. And it has to end,
because the system is not geared up for banks to offer less than zero
interest rates -- and only lower interest rates induces homeowners
drowning in debt to take out yet one more equity loan to keep their
noses above water. The interest gets lower but the principal gets
bigger. There is only one way it all can end without tossing out the
rules -- and that is in Rothschild owning everyone's house, everyone's
gold hoard and everyone's bonded servitude as debt slaves for all
generations forever.
The Money Myth Exploded. Louis Even
Social Credit puts money in its proper place. Louis Even
Money, an instrument of distribution. Louis Even
To solve the problem of poverty. Louis Even
The interest kills children, kills nations. F. de
“Another kind of terrorism: the unjust economic system“.
Archbishop Concessao
In This Age of Plenty. Louis Even
(book with 52 chapters)
A Sound and Effective Financial System. Louis Even
What do we mean by real Social Credit? Louis Even
Social Credit, for a healthy economy. Louis Even
A few questions and principles on Social Credit. Louis
It's time people knew the money trick. Colin
What can economic science do to get Social Credit
applied? Diane Boucher
The Government Must Create Its Own Money. Alain Pilote
The Government does not create money. Louis Even
The pen that rules the world. Louis Even
For a Better Understanding of Social Credit. Alain Pilote
The Environment — Where Money Is Concerned. A. Pilote
Social Credit, a scientific technique of finance.
Gilberte Côté-Mercier
Social Credit: humanism and common sense. Gilberte Côté-Mercier
About Clifford Hugh Douglas, the genius who discovered
Social Credit. Louis Even
Social Credit: not Socialism, not a political party. A.
Our economic liberation through Social Credit. Louis Even
Canada is rich in real wealth, the Canadians are poor.
Gilberte Côté-Mercier
Restore to the people the control of their own wealth.
Louis Even
A civilization of men financially free. Louis Even
What should be corrected! Louis Even
As the people build, the people get into debt. Louis Even
Unemployment, a condemnation of the financial system.
Louis Even
Social Credit and labour problems. Louis Even
The young people want a new financial system. Louis Marie
To make financially possible what is physically possible.
Louis Even A brief outline of Social Credit. Vic Bridger
How to apply Social Credit locally. François de
Social Credit and the
The Hype About Inflation and Gold
"The current
system uses officially imprinted money that is universally accepted for
all commercial transactions and for taxes. Social Credit would operate
in the same way but with the general welfare being the primary objective
as required in the Preamble [of the Constitution]. There will still be
free market capitalism (minus fractional reserve banking), property
ownership and even gold and silver exchanges. It is your and Dr. Paul's
system that will fail to perform its promised libertopia since there
will be no uniform way to inject money into the currency stream fairly
and justly. At present, and under your system, only the money creators
(a select few) are allowed to inject the money into the currency stream
-- thereby being first users of the money and directly benefiting from
its creation." -- Daniel Krynicki
Filipino Social Crediter/ Monetary Reformer
Social Credit is as Old as Man
"And since this money is based on the production capacity of society, this
money also belongs to society. Then, why should society pay the bankers for
the use of its own money? Why pay for the use of our own goods? Why doesn’t
the Government issue its own money directly, without going through the
Social Credit is Common Sense and Morally Right for the Wealth and Well
Being of Nations and its People to Whom it Properly Belongs Jeremy Lee:
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