Another Pathway is
Possible |
The Holistic World Planetary Paradigm of The Spiritual UN
Caring About the Whole
Planet through
A Heart Centered Human Race for the Best in All
The Teilhard de Chardin Visionary Track for the Earth and Humanity
"Love is the affinity which links and
draws together the elements of the world... Love, in fact, is the agent
of universal synthesis."
The Humanities Vision speaks to the inner chord of all individuals. At the same time it is uplifting and deeply meaningful to life. In the Humanities vision there are spiritually connected visionaries who have merged with insight and then have emerged with incredible foresight—as did Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the metaphysical philosophers and theologians who gave us ethics, moral thought and the transcendence of man in a highly evolutionary possibility. However, in real time, in this 21st century world, there is a stark contrast of where we need to be, and the world we have. The world, since the advent of the great teachings, philosophies and timeless wisdom should exist in the over-arching Humanities vision, but instead we have the false and unwanted over-arching vision of militarism and perpetual war through the "Clash of Civilizations" ideology that is killing all life on the Planet—not simply through direct destruction of bombing, killing and invading peoples and their lands, but also through immense pollution and toxicity to the environment, and to life itself, including the destruction of human DNA through depleted uranium weapons which is also causing cancers and other debilitating diseases world-wide. If the Planet is to survive at all, and if the Human species is to have a future with better possibilities that allows us all to grow and evolve together, then we must hold up the all inclusive vision for Humanity as the other WARLESS WAY we can all travel and tread on this Planet. The false and unwanted over-arching vision of militarism and perpetual war deprives Humanity’s higher possibilities, and which we cannot allow because literally, we do know better. The over-arching Humanities vision is the core basis and center of
another pathway for a higher and happier world, cohering the values of all our great wisdom traditions
and philosophies so that we, as a better kind of Humanity, can birth
them into a real world possibility where good people can coalesce and
begin to assume the empowerment of our collective destiny where each and
all of us matter, including the well being of the Planet in a Holistic
manner where we are harming none and helping all. “… We shall
harness for God the energies of love
and then, for a second time Isn’t it about time we had a new experience for the world?—The
Humanities Vision—where we are sparking and harnessing the energies of
Love in each and all of us through our highest and greatest potential.
We can come together and choose it over war, militarism and monolithic
and monopoly corporatism—a cancer and a disease—that is killing and
asphyxiating all Life on this beautiful Planet. Instead, let our choice
be to rebirth ourselves, through a life-renewing Genesis, and breathe
free as a better kind of Humanity aligned with the wonder, beauty and
naturalness of this Planet—with harm to none—as true healers indeed for
everything in need.
© 2011 |