What Does it Mean to be "Under the Pledge"

An unprecedented amount of
vitriol, conspiracies
and attacks have been hurled on Muslims and against the religion of
Islam as some kind of fear and hate mongering known as "Islamophobia."
This unfortunate reality is ripping apart the very fabric and founding
of the American nation itself.
In fact, we find this all quite alarming given the
depth of organization and funding involved from another segment of
America to make a racist war on others within this great nation that had
been founded on the very principles to counter such attacks within
itself and, at the same time, able to progress us all together through
our better selves—or
our "better angels" as Abraham Lincoln would say—as
One people under the Light of America's founding principles.
To clear the way and to make it right for all to live freely and happily
within this great nation, Islamic scholarship is able to concur with us that
the American
Pledge of Allegiance is Islamic, and that being the case, Muslims can rebirth the
nation by simply coming "under the pledge" in a more
affirmative manner, that is to say:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the
United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God
indivisible with liberty and justice for all." |
Here's what it means:
"One nation 'under God indivisible' allows us,
regardless of religion, race or ethnicity to all live, as Human
beings, under the
auspices and protection of the "One God," with liberty and justice
that is forever and eternal, which essentially no man can take away.
To believe and live that is to make us
fully and wholly American, and Human—which
in turn is the United States of America and which in turn is the
Republic. So yes, the American Pledge of Allegiance, as it refers
to the indivisible One God of all and over all, merciful and just, is
fully and wholly Islamic as well as American.
On the common ground that the American Pledge of Allegiance holds with
Islam in a rebirthing of the American nation, Muslims are able to
reassert their American allegiance to join together and come "under the
pledge" with us, The Spiritual UN, so that we together, regardless of
race, color or creed, can turn towards a Brotherhood of Man.
At the same time, The Spiritual UN asks each individual or human heart
to simply come to the core—meaning
the core of the teachings of all the great religions and wisdom
traditions with no politics or nationality involved. Simple as
that and simply as that—and
through that, we together rebirth a new peace and happiness for the
warless world with goodness and happiness for all.
There is a Muslim duty and moral imperative to act and defend the
Religion of Islam in the face of such adversity and attacks on it and
its people, and at the same time, to SAVE THE WORLD from continual
suffering and violence through the Quranic edict of:
“Turn away evil with that which is
Now we have something which is better: We can see the magnificent
common ground—of
East and West and of Islam and Christianity—where
the fundamental Principles of Islam and the American Founding Blueprint are
one of the same—allowing
us to see that America is the new Islam!
No Human Being is an Enemy of Another Human Being—
Just Been Politics All Along
We can transcend the artificial divide of nationality and all
the nonsense of politics by the first ever structure that is truly representative of all the the great
Religions and wisdom traditions of our world to progress our Human race
in complete harmony and happiness with the care of the Earth and all
Life on it—as
it was designed to be and what we are asked to do from the core of all
the great teachings.
We are able to move beyond the box of both our
"nationality" and "politics" to the liberty, freedom and goodness of our
Race, Human. One Love, God. The
Spiritual UN Gentle Path is
the unifying centerpiece that enables us to come together
in “A more perfect union” of ourselves with all Life, so that we may, in
the words of George Washington, attain “the last stage of Human
perfection” capturing the track of our true Human destiny together—where
there is no enemy.
The Spiritual UN Gentle Path is the preparation, the right soil,
rich in depth and elements for the seeds to be sown and take up with
deep roots, thus allowing good things to grow and flourish as God gave
it to be. Through
it, we have a whole new system and thought
structure for a Warless world—in
response to the highly destructive "Clash of
Civilizations" and "Perpetual War" reality that is destroying all
civilizations and life on the Planet.
In the fundamental common ground between the two great Religions, We,
the common man are able to create
a new uplifting structure for all our Human needs—from our basic to
our universal spiritual.
Join The Spiritual UN Humanities Vision for a
truly Warless World

Prayer for Ramadan—
The Holy Fasting Month in Islam
MAY the sacred moon of the coming holy month
Appear with an unprecedented glory and grace;
To become the harbinger of a new watershed,
Which transforms mankind's values and face
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MAY the force of penitence, hunger and thirst,
Conquer the vices of revenge, rancour and greed;
To pave the way for love, affection and solicitude,
Which make this Humanity an angelic creed
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MAY the showers of Divine Blessings in abundance,
Give solace to the world, and make it meek and mild;
To cover the angry globe with heavenly ambience,
Which enfolds within itself, each man, woman and child.
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