Another Pathway is
Possible |
The Holistic World Planetary Paradigm of The Spiritual UN
Caring About the Whole
Planet through
A Heart Centered Human Race for the Best in All
The Teilhard de Chardin Visionary Track for the Earth and Humanity
"Love is the affinity which links and
draws together the elements of the world... Love, in fact, is the agent
of universal synthesis."
The Real Meaning of 'Israel'
About a Geographical Location, Nor
a Sacred, Godly State of Being' through a Coming
"O Mankind! We have Created You Male and Female;
Our Journey of Self-Knowledge Through Time
All Religions and Wisdom Traditions, Including the Knowledge
this section are collected passages describing the Unity of God. First
are texts proclaiming the oneness of Absolute Reality: God in the
monotheistic religions, a Primal Absolute at the root of phenomena in
Confucian and Taoist metaphysical texts, and a reality that in Mahayana
Buddhism is called Nirvana or Suchness and which transcends any being,
divine or human. Next come passages, especially from the Hindu
tradition, which recognize many deities but recognize them to be the
diverse manifestations of the One that is beyond any name. Or, in the
case of Native American religion, the many spiritual forces are one by
virtue of their solidarity in action. For related texts on the One God
who exists at the root of all religions, see Prologue One Source and One
Goal, pp... In sharp contrast to the above, we have also included some
representative passages, largely from the monotheistic religions, which
define the Oneness of God in contradistinction to all other existence.
Other divine beings are regarded at best as subordinate to the One God
and at worst as illusory or demonic: see Idolatry, pp. 286-89.
What does Religion Mean?
Our Moral Basiswhich Gives us our Unity in Diversity through
which We are to Grow, Evolve, Expand and Know
In knowing and growing with the wisdom, knowledge, and ethic of our
different cultures, religions, tribes and nations we also learn not only
is the Earth God's own creation, i.e. "Creator and Creation" which the
American Founding Fathers referred to in the Declaration of Independence
"the Laws of Nature, and Nature's God"but
further, in the discoveries and insights of the French, palaeontologist
Priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Life on Earth moves forward through
time (history, Ages, Epochs) through the two Laws of Evolution which
interacts with the Divinewhich
Chardin termed the "God-forward" of Evolution:
Independent of the Satanic "Divide and Conquer"
Islam tells us that God sent THE WAY to keep Humanity on track here on Earth
free of the pollutions of the Devilthrough
a continuous line of His Prophets in the Abrahamic Faiths:
The People of God are the "Semitic" Peoples of
the Abrahamic Faiths
through Human
The American Colonists were existing in the TRUE ISRAEL
America becomes the NEW ISLAM
SATAN Returns to Transform America from a Peace Economy to a War Economy
911 and the Creation of the
Federal Reserve Act in 1913
and Islam
through Its Conquests of the Rule of the Tyrants
WITH Its Corresponding Life
Forge a Bond with Christ as Islam Explains with No
"Strongest Bond that Can Never Break" in the Midst of the Christ-Killers who Seek our Full Destruction Rabbi Mizrachi telling us how it is to them: And the 666 Twisted, Inverted Plan they are Creating, Following and Forcing End Times On Us
Jesus, THE WORD OF GOD Embodied and Sent by God
"Then He took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to
them, saying,
CHRIST denounced the Devil and the Synagogue of Satan on Earth in the most strongest terms both in words and actionwith God, through His Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrectionthrough which Humanity is able to grasp the strongest bond WITHOUT SIN with our Creator: One that never breaks because of our faltering ways with the Devil that has corrupted life on Earth and is now fast destroying our Planet and our Human racein both its Diversity and Biodiversity through the Christ-Killers' system and technology of harm to all.
Now it is for us to turn to Christ and BOND WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS
of All Earthly Governments:
AND Move On from the System of the Christ-Killers
The Old Covenant is
Temple-Bound to an Earthly Realm
do you [Humanity] not know
that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you,
The New Covenant with God vs. Old Covenant --
Troy Black "Jewish Pharisees accepted the offer from Satan that Jesus rejected: "I will give you the Kingdom of the World (i.e. Money, Power) if you obey me." Talmudic Judaism is dedicated to enthroning Lucifer and always has conspired to destroy Christianity." Texe Marrs (The destruction of Christianity is almost complete)
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